Home Events + NewsEvents Mutzfest 2019 is Happening Sunday: Here’s How You May Feel About It

Mutzfest 2019 is Happening Sunday: Here’s How You May Feel About It

by Jennifer Tripucka
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The 7th Annual Mutzfest is happening on Sunday, January 27th 2019 {2-6PM} at the Elks Lodge in Hoboken — and we are SO. SO. EXCITED. Per usual.


If you’ve ever been to Mutzfest, you know that it’s an event you can’t miss in Hoboken. Many of the Italian delis in the area get together and cut cheese {literally} into cubes and slices and top it with everything from pepperoni to tomatoes to spices all for your enjoyment. From M & P Biacamano’s elaborate displays each year to Vito’s delicious sandwiches to Tony B’s mozzarella varieties, there are so many feelings that you’ll experience in your Mutzfest journey. To help you sum up your feelings, here are the seven stages of Mutzfest feelings, explained.

1. Pre-Mutz: Excitement  


It starts with simple rumblings — you see the Facebook posts, you get a group text about Mutzfest, and you get your tickets {because it’s known to sell out}.

2. Waiting in Line: Impatience  


The Station Hoboken
Club Pilates 2023

It starts about two weeks out {like riiight now}— you realize Mutzfest is coming, and you CAN. NOT. WAIT. But then, you walk towards the Elks Lodge on Mutzfest Day, and see the line. It’s long, and you’re hungry. In fact you skipped lunch/brunch because you knew you’d get into Mutzfest and want to eat all the things. But you wait…and wait.

3. Walking In: Ecstatically Overwhelmed  


Zap Fitness

Finally, you enter the building. Then, you weave your way through the crowd {unless you got there early —  you overachiever, you}. And then you see it: CHEESE. Gooey, white, deliciously mushy mutz.

4. Visiting Tables of Mozzarella: Happiness


Pretty self-expanatory.

5. Halfway Through Mutzfest: Nausea


It starts off slowly. You’re eating, drinking, and breathing cheese in pure ecstasy. Add some wine and beer to the mix and it’s a recipe for disaster — like getting your head stuck in a container of cheese balls. It can happen if you put your mind to it.

6. On Your Way Home: Sleepiness


Drunk on cheese — it’s a thing. You may be so sleepy that you actually have to go home before the end of the fest. Womp womp.

7. Post-MutzFest: Nostalgia


Mutzfest ended faster than you can say Mozzarella, and it’s safe to say you’ll be dreaming of cheese til next January.

Get your tickets here!

Aspen Prime

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