Home LifestyleHealth 8 Tips to Successfully Work From Home

8 Tips to Successfully Work From Home

by Jennifer Tripucka
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When you have the chance to work from home or get a new job that is remote, it can be a new + interesting feeling. No commute, better hours {sometimes!}, and TV-watching while you work, obviously. But with that newfound freedom, there are some drawbacks: lethargy, lack of motivation, and distractions up the wazoo. Here, we’re sharing seven successful tips to work from home — so that you can enjoy that work/life balance and the perks of your home office.

working from home tips

1. Set up a clean and peaceful workspace.

This can be a challenge in a Hoboken-sized apartment, but try to create a separate space to put your desk, computer, and other supplies, away from your bedroom or living room. Keep it clean and uncluttered, and add some cute personal touches that inspire you creatively.

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2. Get dressed!

It will be very tempting to stay in your PJs and throw your hair in a bun each morning and say “Who cares how I look?” But you’ll feel 100% better and more motivated to be productive if you put on a cute outfit and some makeup. Sounds silly, but tried and true!

3. Keep to a schedule throughout the day.

Just like any other full-time gig, get to work on time. Don’t get distracted by Facebook, online shopping,  iMessage, {at least not any more than usual…}, or personal calls during your scheduled work time. Take a 30-60 minute lunch break at some point midday so your eating patterns don’t change too much.

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4. Sometimes, change your schedule.

With the added flexibility that working from home offers, take advantage! But in a good way. Try working out at different times of the day while at home to get the blood flowing + take a break. When it’s nice out, get some sun! A 15-minute walk outside can do wonders for your mood.

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Zap Fitness

5. Take advantage of free connectivity tools.

Get very familiar with online tools like Skype, Google Drive, and FreeConferenceCall.com as well as their additional apps, features, and benefits. You’ll need them.

6. Make an effort to eat healthy.

Proximity to your kitchen is a blessing and a curse. While you have some extra time to be more mindful about what you eat, and actually cook healthier meals, you might feel inclined to snack more. Try to plan out your lunches at the beginning of the week to keep on track.

7. Make sure to separate “work” time from “home” time.

This can be quite difficult because your work is in your home. After a certain time though, stop checking emails {good advice for everyone, actually!}. At the end of your day, make a to-do list for tomorrow, so you’ll feel caught up, organized, and ready to dive in when you get back to work.

8. Schedule time for a workout or alternative type of movement into your day.

Join live online classes. Working out is great for mental stimulation and when you’re forced to be inside all day, taking time to get your blood flowing is extremely important. Block out anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to meditate, go for a run, or even just stretch. Many fitness studios and gyms offer virtual classes you can access on your TV, computer, or phone so there are options for everyone.

What tips can you share for success while working from home? Comment below!


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