Home Events + News More Hoboken Parking Rate Increases Coming: Garages, Lots, + Visitor Passes

More Hoboken Parking Rate Increases Coming: Garages, Lots, + Visitor Passes

by Hoboken Girl Team
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On Wednesday, October 23rd, the City of Hoboken announced a pretty big change coming to town: the elimination of free Sunday parking on Washington Street, which is set to take effect on November 17th. As it turns out, a closer look at the City Council meeting notes from September 4th — when this ordinance was passed — revealed other imminent changes to Hoboken’s parking situation, including rate increases for municipal garages and lots, as well as changes to visitor parking passes and permits for non-Hoboken registered vehicles. Read on for more about these upcoming changes and what they mean for Hoboken residents.

hoboken parking rate increases

Monthly Garage + Lot Rate Increases

The City explained in its September 4th, 2024 City Council meeting notes the reason for these rate increases, saying that “the cumulative rate of inflation has increased by 25% while most Parking Utility fees have remained unchanged, which is creating an unsustainable economic position for the Parking Utility and the City.”

Most monthly municipal garage and lot rates in Hoboken, not including private garages, are set to increase by $6-$9 per month for all users, including residents and businesses. Additionally, automatic CPI (Consumer Price Index) increases will be applied going forward.

Currently, the Hoboken Parking Utility manages over 3,000 parking spaces in five garages and three surface lots. The garages are located at:

  • Garage B: 28 2nd Street
  • Garage D: 215 Hudson Street
  • Garage G: 315 Hudson Street
  • Midtown Garage: 317 4th Street
  • Garden Street Garage: 916 Garden Street

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The increases at these garages for residents will be as follows, per the City Council meeting notes from September 4th:

price increases hoboken garages

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The lots are located at:

  • Lot 1: 200 Willow Avenue — price not increasing for residents
  • Lot 2: 259 11th Street — increasing to $195 for residents
  • Lot 3: 1301 Jefferson Street — increasing to $180 for residents

Any individual 62 years of age or older, military personnel including active duty, reserve/National Guard, + veterans, and individuals with disabilities will receive a reduced monthly fee at certain municipal garages with proof of residency and other qualifications.

These changes will go into effect on November 1st, 2024 and all current permit holders were notified 30 days in advance, per Hoboken Councilwoman Emily Jabbour.

Visitor Pass Fee Increases

The cost of visitor parking passes, which are only issued to Hoboken residents who will have a visitor at their household, will also increase as of November 1st. The new rates are as follows:

  • 4 hours: $6 (previously $4)
  • 8 hours: $7 (previously $5)
  • 24 hours: $9 (previously $6)

Parking Permits for Non-Hoboken Registered Vehicles

Previously, yearly parking permits for Hoboken residents whose cars are not registered to Hoboken were not allowed. A new provision will now allow these residents to obtain a street parking permit for $700 per year for up to three vehicles, which took effect on October 1st.

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The full notes from the Setpember 4th, 2024 meeting can be found here.

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