Home COVID-19 Hoboken Resident Working on COVID-19 Vaccine Moonlights as Easter Bunny for Hudson County Neighborhoods

Hoboken Resident Working on COVID-19 Vaccine Moonlights as Easter Bunny for Hudson County Neighborhoods

by Jennifer Tripucka
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…and wants to keep her identity a secret {but agreed to this interview!}.

Over the weekend, there were several reports of Easter bunnies gracing the neighborhoods of Hoboken and Jersey City, but one bunny, in particular, has quite the story. While this bunny wouldn’t agree to share her name as she wants to keep her identity hush hush, she shared how her role as Hoboken’s unsung Easter hero during the Covid-19 crisis came to be. We’ll call her EB, Easter Bunny for the sake of the article. Here’s more about EB’s story, how she’s giving back to the community, her very important Covid-related day job, plus her schedule of events for Easter Sunday ’round the neighborhoods:

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On Dressing Up for the Neighborhood

The idea came to be rather spur of the moment for EB, as a friend posted on Facebook earlier this week that she was going to do this in her town in Massachusetts. “I thought it was an amazing idea. I already had a costume on the way to surprise my best friend and her kids Easter morning. I’ve been trying to think of ways to give back to the community and this was perfect,” EB shared with us. She ordered on Amazon Prime, and just in the nick of time — it came through.

Saturday, she was seen throughout the neighborhoods {including on our Instagram} spreading cheer. And yes, while there is another awesome bunny sponsored by the Hoboken PD and FD, it’s pretty cool that a local resident took this upon herself to spread good vibes around the neighborhood on Easter weekend when so many are feeling down about the current state of the world.

And while we weren’t very surprised that the Easter Bunny was a woman… many have been referring to seeing EB around town as “he” in addition to doing so on social media.

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“Almost all comments refer to me as ‘He!'” EB joked, “but I’m not shocked the Easter Bunny is a woman.”

Read More: 7 Hudson County Women Who Made History

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easter bunny hoboken covid 19

^A resident capturing EB on her way to spread cheer on Saturday, April 11th.

The Community’s Response Thurs Far

It’s been quite an adventure, and this is just reporting back from Saturday, EB recalls to us.

“The cutest reaction were the kids outside Shipyard that were following my dance moves for the entire Hero song {during the Hoboken Girl 7PM cheer for healthcare heroes},” she said.

“I also ran into Batman on the waterfront downtown which was hilarious! We pumped up music and had a social distance impromptu dance party.”

Read More: All About the 7PM Hudson County Cheer for Healthcare Heroes

Her Schedule for Easter Sunday 4/12 in Hoboken, Jersey City, Weehawken, and Union City

As this came together rather quickly, EB has created a schedule based on DMs to her new IG account, @hobokenhoppineasterbunny and only requests that you donate to FLAG HBKN JC when requesting her to come by.

People have been DMing throughout the weekend to request a visit from the bunny, so EB’s created a schedule, as follows, for 4/12:

8AM: EB is kicking off the day in Union City with 1 stop at 100 Manhattan Avenue

8:30AM: The Shades of Weehawken

9:00AM: Jersey City Heights and Downtown Jersey City

10:30AM-6:30PM: EB’s heading back to Hoboken to walk the entire town, starting at the Sky Club.

“My final stop will remain a surprise, but I will be playing DJ Cam’s live Instagram on my BlueTooth speaker at 7:00PM.”

This is a rough schedule — as EB says, “I cannot use my phone when walking so if anyone sees me walking – please yell for me and post on the Hoboken Girl Insiders Facebook page my location at that time!”

Join our Hoboken Girl Facebook group here.

She continues about her schedule, “It’ll let people know how on track I am with the overall route. You can also hashtag #HobokenHoppinEasterBunny and make your post public. This will allow people to search the hashtag to see how close I am to schedule. If I pass a restaurant and you’d like me to stop for a pic, please make sure you are outside! I’m happy to share any posts restaurants tag me in on my story at the end of the day! When I move cities, I will post on my story. I’m driving between cities, so I can easily post before heading to the next one.”

And even though it seems like she’s a pro and this isn’t the first time EB’s dressed up in a costume, it is the first time she dressed up as the Easter Bunny. “I’ve never dressed up as the Easter Bunny. I’ve dressed up for one other community event in Hoboken previously for the Hoboken Shelter!”

On Social Distancing, Even With the Easter Bunny

Please do not come close to her and continue to practice social distancing, even though the urge is strong to hug the Easter bunny on Easter.

EB says, “I had a delivery driver come super close and was upset I would not high five him. He then yelled he had gloves on. I have gloves on too, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t practice social distancing. This was my only issue in the 6 or 7 hours I paraded around town today. It’s important for there to be distance. I plan to walk in bike lanes as much as possible tomorrow. I’m happy to stop if you ask and take social distance pictures. Two full arm lengths please!”

On Her Day Job

While EB keeps her moonlighting stint as the Easter Bunny pretty lowkey/on the down low one weekend a year {keeping spirits bright, no doubt}, she shared with us some very hopeful, wonderful news about her day job at Johnson & Johnson. She’s been working at the company for the last 10 years, but reecntly took on a new role amidst the Covid-19 crisis.

“Currently, one of the most critical projects I am working on is the COVID Vaccine,” she shared with us, noting that it’s a glimmer of hope during this worldwide pandemic affecting our lives.

She also shared that Johnson and Johnson shares a weekly series called “A Road to a Vaccine” on Tuesdays at 12:00PM EST, which, as she says, “brings much-needed hope during these difficult times.”

We can only hope that while she spreads cheer in our neighborhood, she’ll be able to spread positivity to the world via her day job, very soon.

But for now, it’s all about making the community happy.

“It’s important to find moments each day where you can laugh and smile,” EB says. “I hope I can bring many laughs and smiles to people in Hudson County tomorrow while raising money for those in the community that need it most.”

Talk about a busy day filled with spreading cheer. We LOVE EB! 

Happy Easter, all!

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