Home LifestyleHoboken 101 Hoboken, What Are You Thankful For?

Hoboken, What Are You Thankful For?

by Will
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There is much to be thankful for this year! Whether it is a job promotion, your family, or simple little pleasures like being grateful for almond croissants at your favorite Hoboken coffee shop, there is always something for which to show gratitude.

The Hoboken Girl team thought we’d walk along the waterfront to find what Hoboken is thankful for. Here are what Hobokenites {and some visitors} are giving thanks for this Thanksgiving:

Family is always first…

…and home is where the heart is. This father/son duo is visiting Hoboken (the father being back after 17 years!) from Chicago. Welcome back!

Hello Hydration Sidebar
sojo spa

Being a resident of the Garden state means flowers are a way of life…

Zap Fitness

because there’s no place like home.

Unless you’re a Brit who’s grateful to be visiting Hoboken/NYC during the most exciting and beautiful time of the year!

Friends will be there for you…

…because you were there for them too. #besties

Unless you have a fiancé. Then they are your bestie by default, obvi.

Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that we find ourselves appreciating the most. Whether it’s doughnut sticks…

or dairy free options for your latte…

your furry loved one…

…or sunrises + sunsets with the best views in the world!

Thank you to all who participated in our fun little project! It was so nice meeting all of you <3

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for this year? Share with us in the comments below!

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