Home Events + News Hoboken Storm Drains ‘Accidentally’ Paved Over by County Contractor — Right Before Flood Watch

Hoboken Storm Drains ‘Accidentally’ Paved Over by County Contractor — Right Before Flood Watch

by Jennifer Tripucka
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For the past week, Hoboken has undergone construction and paving on the North end of town, closing Park Avenue to mill and pave, and causing much traffic commotion throughout the uptown area. The goal was to help with the paving of the street. However, not on the agenda was paving over drains in front of homes in the area — which is exactly what happened, and right before a Tropical Storm is coming to the area

hoboken storm drains paved over tropical storm debby

^ Park Avenue in Hoboken

Hoboken is prone to flooding, so many residents, who shared their concerns on various forums and Facebook groups, are concerned.

A Nixle went out earlier on Tuesday, August 6th, sharing ways to prepare for the storm, including avoiding flood-prone areas.

“Intense rainfall of greater than 0.8 inch per hour could result in flooding in low-lying areas. Barricades have been deployed near flood-prone intersections. Do not walk or drive around barricades or through flooded areas,” it stated. The OEM asks all residents to report flooded intersections and clogged drain inlets by calling the NHSA Hotline at (866) 689-3970. 

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But, how can one report a clogged drain when it’s virtually //gone//? Many took to forums to share their frustrations.

In one such local Facebook group, Councilwoman Emily Jabbour shared, “Not only did the County Contractor pave over the drains, they also paved over the curbs in several places, so the people who live in the garden level apartments now have to worry about rainwater washing directly from the street into their homes. If anyone is impacted by these issues, please please please contact Commissioner Anthony Romano who represents Hoboken to the County. The County, thus far, has not taken these concerns seriously (in my opinion), has not fixed these issues since they were flagged last week, and push back on the City and Councilmembers who have reached out.”

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Patch also previously reported that the city notified the county of the paving issue, and they are working on a resolution, according to a Hudson County spokesperson.

Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher shared in an email with The Hoboken Girl team on Tuesday evening, “just confirmed with Commissioner Romano [who asked County Engineer Malvasi while we are on the phone]. The county will resolve tomorrow – not in time for tonight’s storm.”

Councilwoman Jabbour also emailed with The Hoboken Girl team directly, sharing imagery, noting she has been in contact with County representatives multiple times, yet “while they have taken my calls, the repairs that the City and I have requested have not been addressed — which is even more concerning given the storm we are about to experience. The contractors conducting the paving project need to fix two major issues that have been flagged:

  1. Drains from sump pumps that flush onto the street were blocked completely
  2. The curbs are non-existent in multiple places, which means rainwater will run from the street directly into garden level apartments. See attached photo that I shared with the County last week.”

The images she shared via email:

hoboken storm drains paved over tropical storm debby

hoboken storm drains paved over tropical storm debby

Commissioner Romano’s office can be reached here.

We also reached out to Hoboken City Hall and Commissioner Romano for comment, but have not received a response by the time of publication.  

Beyond Tuesday/Wednesday’s storm, Tropical Storm Debby is expected to bring much rainfall and flooding to the already flood-prone Hoboken area.

Hudson County Executive Craig Guy released a statement about the situation on August 7th:

“As County Executive my administration has prioritized making critical infrastructure improvements to our County,
and that includes our county streets. Throughout July and into August, the County has worked with the City of Hoboken and a hired contractor to repave parts of Park Avenue in Hoboken. This project was much needed, and crews worked throughout the day, often in temperatures exceeding 90 degrees, to complete this project. But let me be clear: any mistakes made by the county contractor have been – and are being – remedied. County staff has been available to address all community concerns and will continue to work with local officials to resolve any issues.

Additionally, any comment suggesting that the County is not responsive is unfounded and dishonest. We have provided timely updates to local officials since the start of this project and these local officials were made fully aware of the scope of the project.”

Mayor Bhalla wrote to Hudson County Executive Craig Guy about the situation on August 7th. See the message below:


Hudson County Executive Craig Guy provided an update about the situation later in the day on August 7th:

“Leading up to the recent Hoboken road paving projects, Hudson County officials met with Hoboken officials on seven separate occasions over the last two months to finalize details of the project. These officials worked collaboratively to determine the scope of work and finalize the project’s timeline. We have been – and continue to be – in frequent contact with municipal officials regarding this project.

I want to make clear that this project is two years in the making. We accommodated the city by waiting to start the project until after a water main project was completed along Park Avenue. City officials had two years to raise concerns and have been invited to every discussion along the way.

Hudson County officials first received notice of two clogged sump drains on Park Avenue on Friday, August 2; this issue was resolved by Monday, August 6. On Sunday, August 5, we received reports of one clogged sump drain, and this issue was resolved on the same day. Today, August 7, County staff and contractors cleaned out all the catch basins on Park Avenue, removing debris and contractor’s millings. We received reports about flushed curbs at certain locations on the project site and we are working with the contractor to rectify these issues. From day one of the project, the County’s project manager has been on location providing constant inspection and guidance.

Today, I visited the site and spoke with residents who were impacted by this project. They were thankful for the County’s immediate response and efforts to address their concerns.

Mayor Bhalla’s assertion that our County staff does not have appropriate inspection protocols in place is again unfounded and dishonest. Should the mayor wish to see all the communications and meetings regarding this project, we will be happy to share this information with him.

If residents have any concerns or questions regarding this project, please contact Hudson County’s Division of Engineering at 201-369-4340 and we will work to resolve the issue in a prompt and timely manner.”

Hudson County Board of County Commissioners Chairperson Anthony Romano released the following statement on Tuesday, August 13th about the ongoing work:

“Hudson County has recently undertaken a pavement project on Park Avenue in Hoboken, which runs from Observer Highway to 15th Street. If anyone has any issues with this project, please feel free to contact me, either by email at [email protected] or by phone at 201-390-2162.

The Hudson County Executive’s Office, the County’s Division of Roads and Bridges, and the project’s contractors are on the ground everyday rectifying any issues that may have occurred during the initial paving. As Hoboken’s representative on the Hudson County Board of County Commissioners, I assure you that all residents’ concerns are taken seriously by both me and county staff and everyone has worked and will continue to work diligently to resolve any problems.”

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