Home Food + Drink Happiness and Zen at 942 Summit in Jersey City Heights

Happiness and Zen at 942 Summit in Jersey City Heights

by Jennifer Tripucka
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As much as I love Hoboken, when I step outside it once in a while, I’m usually happy I’ve done so. This particular Sunday afternoon, I was thrilled. My friend Tiffany and I headed to “the Heights” to check out 942 Summit, the beautifully designed + shared space housing three women with a vision {and three local businesses}. And boy was it amazing.

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In the heights: Bloomsbury Sq‘s Studio + Shop, a Do You Tea? Tea Bar, and WHOS Gluten Free baking kitchen

When you step inside 942 Summit, you immediately drink in {no pun intended} its cozy vibe and chic atmosphere. Wooden floors, chalk board writing, a tea bar…you feel like you’ve stepped inside a tea shop in the village. There is also a large space to your left with plants galore and a large chalkboard {a small terrarium, if you will}.

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My favorite plant was the aloe plant – I wanted to snap off a piece…but alas, they are not for sale! That being said, the little plant exposé truly embodies the mission of Niambi, who is the owner of the natural beauty line and DIY Beauty Bar at 942 Summit — her business is called Bloomsbury Sq {you may remember our Hoboken Girl candle which we created together!}.  I can just see how much she believes that anything is possible with imagination and creativity — in her case, pure, beautiful, and natural products. Her uniquely created and soothing bath and body products are made locally and can also be found at Luxe Bath & Body in Hoboken.

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If you take a hard right when you walk in, you’ll find WHOS Organic and Gluten Free products — WHOS’ owner, Steph, actually has Celiac’s, so she bakes and makes everything in a gluten-free kitchen {not always done when you’re at restaurants, even when they have something on the menu that is “gluten free!”}. I sampled her dark chocolate granola and a chocolate chip cookie which was served on the tea bar for sampling, and it was absolutely scrumptious….so good that Tiffany and I each bought our own cookies!

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Delicious GF cookies!

Speaking of the tea bar, I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t my favorite part of the space. Kelley, Do You Tea?’s owner and creator {and a Hoboken girl herself!}, hand blends every tea with all natural ingredients {including dried organic fruits, nuts, spices, and oils}. The leaves come straight from the source of a generations old, family operated tea plantation in the Indian Himalayas.

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Lining the espresso wood shelves, the Do You Tea?’s loose leaf tea is carefully crafted by hand and ready for consumption. There is a tea menu where you can choose your flavor {white, black, herbal, oolong, rooibos, and more}, and Kelley brews it for you on the spot. The tea bar has several stools to sit, and you’ll most likely find yourself chatting with Kelley and her husband {who both work here full time now — he even left his job to help out!}.

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Fresh to death. And into my tea cup.

The teas are made to order or you can buy them to go {or as gifts}…which I did. For $12, I got an adorable box of “Sunset” — white tea, chamomile, and lavender after having some in the store. Such a great gift…for moi {this time}. I can’t wait to brew it at home! All I have to say is, Teavana WHO?

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942 is kid-friendly to boot!

All in all, this space is filled with a beautiful, calming community vibe that is a breath of fresh air in not only its neighborhood, but also for Hudson County. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous that I can’t just walk right out the door for a spot of tea at the tea bar…good thing I have a car in Hoboken to drive to this gem of a find! See, great things happen when you step out of your Hoboken comfort zone.

Have you been to 942 Summit in Jersey City? What did you think?

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