Home Events + NewsEvents HobokenGirl Weekend Events Guide: December 19th Edition

HobokenGirl Weekend Events Guide: December 19th Edition

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Feeling festive? With only 5 shopping days left until Christmas and Hanukkah in full swing {HG’s Shopping Guide can be found here}, there are lots of events to fill your calendar up! Browse what Hoboken has to offer for your pre-Christmas weekend and upcoming week of festivities. Have a merry Christmas for all those who celebrate!

“Appropriation” Exhibit at Hob’Art Co-Operative Gallery – Friday, December 12–Monday, January 5

Ibou Ndoye and Liz Cohen: "Appropriation" Mixed media installation 2014

Ibou Ndoye and Liz Cohen: “Appropriation” Mixed media installation 2014

Regarding this show, Liz Cohen says, “For years I have been fascinated by the art forms of the indigenous people of the earth, in particular, the Aboriginal people of Australia amongst whom I lived and worked for many years. Her Gallery Hours: Thursday – Sunday, 1-5pm and by appointment (201) 319-1504
Artists’ Reception: Saturday, December 13, 6-8pm

Artist’s Talk: Sunday, December 21, 3:30pm

Hoboken Historical Museum Holiday Crafts Fair — Saturday, December 20–Sunday, December 21 at 12-5PM

Great place to pick up any last-minute gifts!

Great place to pick up any last-minute gifts!

The Station Hoboken
Club Pilates 2023

Come get some handmade items by local artists and artisans, including Jennifer Place’s jewelry from handblown glass, gemstones, and mixed metals, and Christmas ornaments from recycled materials. Check out the jewelry collection designed by Nazira and handcrafted by artisans in her native Afghanistan, such as ornate tribal necklaces, silver cuff bracelets inlaid with lapis lazuli and beads, striking pendants and chandelier earrings. Or take home a couple jars of Jersey Buzz honey and honey-based skin scrubs.

Hoboken SantaCon — Saturday, December 20 at 11AM-6PM

Zap Fitness
Break out your santa suit!

Break out your santa suit!

Half of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior project. For more information, a list of participating bars, and to buy tickets, visit here.


Shots for Tots Bar Crawl — Saturday, December 20 at Noon

hoboken bar crawl

Proceeds to go Covenant House

The bar crawl will benefit homeless youth. Registration and check-in is at McSwiggan’s Pub. A free t-shirt will be given to the first 50 people who check in! The donation will include the wristband which will grant you day-long drink specials. A small unwrapped gift is also recommended! Buy tickets here.

Juara Holiday Event at Luxe Face & Body — Saturday, December 20 2-5PM

Juara obsession candlenut trio $25

Juara obsession candlenut trio $25

Juara holiday sets, candles, and body products will be featured. Receive 15% off when you buy 3 or more Juara products! Join for an afternoon of ginger tea hot toddys, sparkling apple cider, treats, and cleansing hand rituals.

D’Andrea Handbag Trunk Show — Saturday, December 20 at 2-5PM

Plenty of gift ideas!

Plenty of gift ideas!

At Hoboken Air Studios. Get a fabulous gift for that special someone!

Hanukkah Bar Crawl — Saturday, December 20 at 4:30PM

Meetup and shirt pick-up is at Village Pourhouse!

Meetup and shirt pick-up is at Village Pourhouse!

Register for the bar crawl here. Your registration includes a bar crawl T-shirt, Hanukkah goody-bag and the drink specials at the bars

Late Online Registration: $16, ends Friday 12/19 at 4:00pm. You cannot choose your shirt size in advance. You are garuanteed a shirt but will have to pick your size when you arrive first come first serve from the pool of extra shirts.

At the door: $20 CASH ONLY, while shirts last, pick your shirt size first come first serve from pool of extra shirts when you arrive. (Good chance this will sell out)

Get the bar schedule here!

Art Jewelry Holiday Party — Sunday, December 21 at 2-6PM

Found at EatMetal

Found at EatMetal

Ever wanted to make your own ornament? Here’s your chance! EatMetal, Inc is featuring the creative event, where you will also learn stamping, texturing, wire wrapping, etc. You also have the chance to get some last minute gifts, such as gift certificates for one workshop or 8 classes and some marked down jewelry pieces. Come join and sip on some complementary eggnog!

{720 Monroe Street, Suite E511}

Annual Grand Menorah Lighting — Sunday, December 21, doors open at 3:40PM

Join for a special celebration at the United Synagogue of Hoboken! At 4:00, the return of the Small Wonder Puppet Theater with ‘The Chanukah Story’ and a brand new show! Fun music; pizza will be served. At 5:00, the Grand Menorah lighting will take place outside of City Hall. Sufganiyot (donuts), Levivot (Latkes), dreidels, and wild glow in the dark glasses.


Upcoming Week Events

Monday, December 22 at 5-8PM — Client Appreciation Day at Hoboken Wellness Spa {Complementary 10 min massages, refreshments, and Indian food! RSVP by Saturday the 20th}

Monday, December 22 at 7PM — Party for the Procrastinators at Aaraa Accessories {discounts, new arrivals, yummy treats and cocktails!}

Tuesday, December 23 at 8PM – Trivia night at Mills Tavern

Wednesday, December 24 – Trivia night at Wicked Wolf

Wednesday, December 24 at 5PM – Trivia Night at Maxwell’s Tavern {50% off on all pizzas}

Happy holidays, lovelies! xoxo

AXIS School of Dance
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