Longest. Week. Ever! Grab your PSL {yes, pumpkin spice} and leather jacket and go to one of these great events this weekend! TGIF!
1. “Beyond the Photograph” Exhibit at Hob’Art Gallery – Thursday, September 11–Sunday, October 5

View this fascinating exhibit throughout the month!
An exhibition of artwork by Don Sichler and Roslyn Rose, will be open to the public from September 11 to October 5, 2014 at hobart gallery. Mr. Sichler zooms in on the minutiae of everyday life and Ms. Rose steps back to see the broader picture. On Sunday, September 21 at 3:30pm, during another reception, the artists will talk about their artwork and welcome questions from visitors.
2. City Challenge Race — Saturday, September 20

Not your average race!
City Challenge Race transforms vibrant cities with breathtaking skylines into an exciting obstacle course with walls to get over, water jugs to carry, ropes to climb, cargo nets to climb, sand bags to carry, monkey bars and much more. This unique event is designed to get communities active, test your athleticism, fortitude, and get you out of your comfort zone. We inspire everyone to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Super fun way to get active! Get more info here.
3. “Unleash the Love 3” Canine Fashion Show — Sunday, September 21 at 12-4PM

Look at that stylin’ canine!
On Sunday, September 21st, canine companions will don their capes and superhero duds as they take over the catwalk at Unleash the Love 3: a star studded, canine couture fashion show presented by Sent-Well.com (www.sent-well.com) along with premier fashion show sponsor Wash n’ Wiggle (washnwiggle.net). The fashion show will take place at Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter’s (www.njshelter.org) annual Mutts Mania which draws a crowd of approximately 1,650 patrons. Ticket cost for Mutts Mania is $10 for adults, children and pets are free. All proceeds benefit shelter animals. – located in Morristown, but we couldn’t help sharing about our furry friends!
Email [email protected] to register for the fashion show!
4. The Riptide Movement at Northern Soul — Sunday, September 21 at 9:30PM-11PM

One of Ireland’s hottest up-and-coming back!
Register here for tickets! Come here some music and grab a beer.
Upcoming Week Events
Tuesday, September 23 at 6-8PM — Hispanic Heritage Month Film Screening of Cesar Chavez at Hoboken Public Library
Tuesday, September 23 at 8PM – Trivia Night at Four L’s
Tuesday, September 23 at 8PM – Trivia Night at Mills Tavern
Wednesday, September 24 – Trivia Night at Wicked Wolf
Wednesday, September 24 at 6-8PM – Learning How To Draw With Frank Pariso: Drawing Classes for Adults at Hob’Art Gallery (Weekly classes; Each class is $20 each).
Thursday, September 25 at 10PM – College Night at Wicked Wolf ($3 cans, $8 pitchers, $4 fireball shots)
What will you be up to this weekend? Have a good one!