As we continue to battle COVID-19, many people are stepping up to the plate, showing acts of kindness in our community and making sure everyone is taken care of. First responders from our community are, quite literally, risking their lives every day to continue to fight the virus and help those affected by it. There are many ways to show gratitude and support and donate to their needs during this difficult time. Check out some ways to help our first responders below.
Know of an additional way to help? Email us at [email protected] and we can include it!
1. Give Coffee, Food, and Other Supplies
Recently, Starbucks on Newark Avenue in Hoboken temporarily closed as a precautionary measure so the shop donated some of its coffee and supplies to the Hoboken Police Station. First responders in the community are working really long shifts — even longer than normal — so donating coffee, food, and other goodies to keep them sane and energized is a great way to say thank you. Get in touch with a local first responder hub {i.e police department, fire department, etc} and ask them what they need.
2. Chip In To Alfalfa’s Feed First Responders GoFundMe
Alfalfa, a Hoboken-based salad shop, has been community-oriented since it’s opening. It is showing dedication once again in this time of unprecedented crisis. Originally, Alfalfa was working towards raising $1,200 to provide 100 free salads to the first responders in our community. They’ve actually exceeded that goal {great job} and are donating a free salad to first responders for every $12 raised. If you’d like to contribute, click here.
Read More: Resources for Local Businesses Affected By COVID-19 Closures + How You Can Help
3. Donate Supplies to the Jersey City Medical Center
The Jersey City Medical Center is quite literally the front line of this crisis. The hospital is in need of supplies to continue to give their patients the best care possible.
To find out what supplies the hospital is in need of + how to donate, please contact Sharon Ambis via email at [email protected] or by phone call at 551-229-3506. Supplies suggested currently include:
- Goggles
- N95 Masks
- Food for the night shifts especially
4. Donate to FLAG
Although not technically based in Hoboken or Jersey City, this is still a great resource. FLAG {Front Line Appreciation Group} is based out of Chatham + Madison, NJ, and is currently accepting donations from those in the community + beyond to buy food from local restaurants to feed the healthcare workers on the front lines. Find out what FLAG is in need of + how you can donate here.
5. Donate to the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps
The Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps is in need of donations all year long, but even more so now. As members of the team consistently work on the front lines of every and all emergencies, be sure to show them support during this trying time. Donate to the 2020 Capital Campaign here and inquire about what other donations the organization could use by emailing [email protected] or calling 201-420-2135.
6. Donate to Help Feed First Responders via Go Fund Me
Organized by local resident Emma Smith, the Hoboken First Responders and Small Businesses Go Fund Me is currently accepting monetary donations to help feed first responders and provide local restaurants with some business. Donate here.
7. Donate to This GoFundMe To Help Jersey City First Responders Get to Their Jobs
With the COVID-19 outbreak comes many precautionary closures, which is great for our safety but limits our ability to get to our workplaces. Shuttles from Hoboken + Jersey City apartment complexes are temporarily not running to the PATH, making it difficult for medical staff to get to their Manhattan health centers. Donate to the GoFundMe to help Jersey City employees get to work and continue to fight the virus.
8. Support Local Sewing Factory Succhi, Inc.
Local sewing factory Succhi, working hard to start manufacturing personal protection equipment like N95 masks for healthcare workers. Show them some love + find out how you can help on Instagram here.
9. Buy a Meal Each Day
Working on the frontlines can be taxing and leave little time to take a break and get a hot meal. Help your local healthcare workers and support your local businesses by ordering a meal or meals from a local spot that is still delivering and have it sent to a local healthcare hub {or specific person, if you know one}.
10. Thank a First-Responder via Social Media or Letter
Now is a great time to show your gratitude to local first responders. Take to social media to say thank you, or even write a letter address it to someone specific or to a whole team at a local hub.
11. Nominate for Hudson County Hero Highlights on Hoboken Girl
Give a local first responder some the ultimate shout out and nominate him or her to be a Hudson County Hero {a new series coming soon}. Email [email protected] with his or her name, story, and contact information.
See More: COVID-19 Testing Sites in New Jersey + Your FAQs Answered
12. Consult Food4Staff
Food4Staff is an online group that is bringing together small businesses to provide meals to hospital workers. Consult the official Facebook page here to learn how can help, or email [email protected].
13. Act Responsibly
Since first responders are coming around to places with high volumes of people gathering, they are more likely to come into contact with the virus. Listening to the stay-in-shelter order and practicing social distancing in public places as well as finding new routes to run and avoiding crowds helps the people on the front lines stay safe and focus their attention on helping end the spread of the virus.
14. Help Donate Masks to Hospitals in Need via Go Fund Me
Contribute to donating $10,000 worth of masks to hospitals in need. Your donations count as follows:
- – $60 = 50 masks donated
- – $120 = 100 masks donated
- – $600 = 500 masks donated
Donate via this Go Fund Me link now.
15. Donate to a Go Fund Me Raising Money for Coronavirus Protective Equipment for NYC Hospitals
Donate to this local Go Fund Me, which is working to raise money for equipment for NYC hospital workers.
16. Clean Eats Meal Prep Donations
Clean Eats Meal Prep is taking monetary donations to “donate 100 meals every week for the next month to four different Hospitals in NJ.” If you’d like to donate + learn more, click here.
17. Donate to FLAG of Hoboken + Jersey City
Similar to the aforementioned FLAG group, FLAG of Hoboken + Jersey City is working to both feed our first responders and support our local businesses at the same time. Learn more + donate here.
18. Donate to Donation Dozens
Hoboken’s O’Bagel has started doing Donation Dozens where customers can buy a dozen bagels and O’Bagel will match that to donate to medical heroes around Hoboken.
19. Send a Self-Care Happy Box or a Meal Using Fuel the Frontline
Bring some joy to local hero’s day by sending them Self-Care Happy Box or meal via Fuel the Frontline. Learn more here.
If you need to call 911 for any reason, let them know if anyone in your house is suffering from flu-like symptoms, or has tested positive for COVID-19. It helps responders keep themselves safe while working to help keep you safe. If workers are exposed to COVID-19, they can get sick themselves and either be forced to stop working or pass it on to other members of the community.
Know of a way to help first responders and medical staff? Email us at [email protected]!
Did you know: We started a podcast about all things news and lifestyle in Hoboken + Jersey City! Listen to the latest episode of Tea on the Hudson here and subscribe.
We release new episodes every Tuesday.