Just because it seems like all of our gym days are over doesn’t mean your workouts have to be, too. In fact, it’s actually the exact opposite. When you’ve hit your Netflix quota and you’re ready to finally leave your bed or couch, a workout is one of the best ways to get your blood circulating, take your mind off of the current situation, and maintain your sense of normal routine. {And movement is a way to boost endorphins that keep your spirits up, too!} Here are a few different workouts you can do anywhere, any time, with minimal equipment needed, thanks to Vanessa Checchio of Bachata & Barbells.
Outdoors or Indoors
What you need: Nothing except your body and some space.
For 5 Rounds:
- – 5 push-ups
- – 10 alternating lunges
- – 5 squats
Try to complete each round {all the movements in a row} without taking any rest in between each one.
For 15 Minutes AMRAP {As Many Rounds As Possible}:
^ How to do the skater jumps!
- – 12 skater jumps
- – 20 plank shoulder taps
- – 12 skater jumps
^ How to do the plank reach out!
- – 20 plank reach-outs
AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible. Complete as many rounds of this workout in 15 minutes.
For 8 Rounds x 20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off:
- – Tricep push-ups
- – Mountain climbers
Alternate between the two movements working for 20 seconds and resting for 10 seconds.
See More: Local Fitness Businesses Offering Online Classes + Streaming Options
What you need: Your body and space to run/jump.
For 3 Rounds:
- – 200-meter jog
- – 30-second forearm plank
- -20 squats
- – 20 skater jumps
- – 20 push-ups
Try to complete rounds without taking any rest in between each one.
For 15 Minutes AMRAP:
- – 30 seconds quick feet
- – 50 feet burpee broad jumps
- – 30 seconds quick feet
- – 50 feet bear crawls
- – 30 seconds quick feet
- – 25 squats
- – 25 push-ups
Complete a burpee immediately followed by a jump forward as far as you can.
For 8 Rounds x 20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off:
- – Open up planks
- – Fast step-ups
Alternate between the two movements.
Read More: Feeling Lonely? 7 Ways to Prioritize Human Connection While Social Distancing
What you need: Your body, a chair, and a yoga mat if you have one.
For 3 Rounds:
- – 21 butterfly sit-ups
- – 15 jump squats
- – 9 burpees
Try to complete rounds without taking any rest in between each one.
For 15 Minutes AMRAP:
- – 7 chair dips
- – 14 alternating lunges
- – 7 push-ups
- – 14 squats
- – 30 seconds quick feet
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.
For 8 Rounds x 20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off:
- – Tuck jumps {For this, jump vertically while bringing your knees to your chest.}
^ How to do the V-ups!
- – Alternating V-ups
If you have dumbbells at home, feel free to add them into these workouts for some extra difficulty + to bump up your workout. Also, when you’re completing the movements, you can increase the intensity by moving faster, adding weight, and shortening rest periods.
Most importantly, however, just keep moving. Movement is a mood booster and right now, we could all use some form of positivity. Although going to the gym isn’t a possibility, solo workouts and getting outside can still happen. So get a workout in, go for a run, or take a walk — no matter what just keep moving. {With, of course, six feet between yourself and other fitness fiends!}
What are some of the at-home workouts you’ve been doing? Let us know in the comments!
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