Home Events + NewsEvents Human Trafficking Awareness: Girls Educational + Mentoring Services {June 29th Event}

Human Trafficking Awareness: Girls Educational + Mentoring Services {June 29th Event}

by Danielle
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When it comes to being informed and educated about issues affecting women throughout the world, human trafficking should be among the topics at the very front of your radar. It is real, all-too-common, and happening not far from us. {Real talk: It’s estimated that 1 in 3 teens on the street will be lured into the sex industry within 48 hours of leaving home.} Luckily, there are programs and organizations that have been created to combat this. One such organization is Girls Educational + Mentoring Services {GEMS} — which works to help girls ages 12 – 24 recover from sexual exploitation and human trafficking. GEMS is hosting an upcoming screening and red carpet event this Thursday, June 29th, of the 80 minute documentary, Very Young Girls, at the Mile Square Theatre. The film revolves around the life of Rachel Lloyd and her journey from prostitute to activist and creator of GEMS.

The organization supplies support, empathy, and encouragement to influence full potential and progressive change. They advocate to demolish domestic trafficking and the commercial sex industry and they strive to change the system. Created in 1998 by founder Rachel Lloyd, who dealt with sexual exploitation as a young teenager, GEMS has tremendously progressed into a highly recognized and credited organization. They provide consistent advocacy and action and are extremely supportive to aid the trauma caused by such experiences.

Read More: Volunteering {in Hoboken}: 15 Organizations that Need Your Help

The plot reads: “Critically acclaimed by the New York Times and Film Festivals around the world, Very Young Girls is an exposé of human trafficking that follows thirteen and fourteen year old American girls as they are seduced, abused, and sold on New York’s streets by pimps, and treated as adult criminals by police. The film follows the barely-adolescent girls in real time, using vérité and intimate interviews with them as they are first lured on to the streets and the dire events which follow.”

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This film portrays the organizations reasoning and commitment behind ending commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking. It highlights and adjusts society’s current view of the industry and delivers important insight into the realities of it. Here’s the trailer:

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The event will begin with a cocktail hour at 6:30PM followed by an introduction with Rachel Lloyd at 7:30PM and a Q+A at 9:00PM. Tickets can be purchased here and include a donation to the organization.

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