Home Events + NewsNon-Profit Events A List of Ways to Donate to Help Immigrant Children {Where + How to Donate}

A List of Ways to Donate to Help Immigrant Children {Where + How to Donate}

by Vanessa Checchio
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This post is meant for our readers who have reached out wanting to help locally {or nationally} when it comes to the children affected at our borders. There is no denying that when a child is in need of some type of help or is struggling, we as adults feel compelled to help. Whether you’re unaware or fully aware of what is going on, there are ways that you, as an inherently good person, can help with the click of a button. Here is a list of charitable causes to help children affected immigration detention centers:

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)

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RAICES is a non-profit organization based out of Texas that offers free and low-cost legal services to immigrants when in need. DONATE HERE

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aclu hoboken girl

ACLU not only works to defend the civil liberty rights of American citizens, but their services include defending the rights of immigrants who are seeking asylum from other countries. You can make a one time or monthly donationDONATE HERE

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ACTBLUE is a website that will allow you to donate to multiple organizations at once through the click of a button. They are taking the donations and dividing them out equally to the organizations involved. DONATE HERE


Zap Fitness


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This group of Texas-based lawyers works to advance the state’s most vulnerable populations, such as the ones that are currently being affected. They focus on border-related cases, criminal justice reform, voting rights, and racial justice. DONATE HERE

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This organization is a three-step program that works on supporting the rights of unaccompanied immigrant children by prioritizing them when they enter the country, advocating for the rights that they have, and standing up for a more comprehensive immigration system. Their number one priority is keeping children safe, no matter what soil they may be on. DONATE HERE



baby 2 baby hoboken girl

BABY2BABY is a National Network that helps distribute basic needs and essentials such as diapers, formula, and other items to low-income children. They are collecting items directly for the detained children with the help of Target. DONATE HERE

*Note: Although sending essentials is a huge help, most organizations say that the best way to help is financially.*



move on hoboken girl

MoveOn is an organization that believes people who have the same beliefs can ban together and truly makes a difference. Whether it’s a social issue or some type of political progress, MoveOn works together through petitions and marches. FIND A VIGIL NEAR YOU HERE

Do you know of any other ways to help or where to donate for a good cause? Let us know in the comments below!

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