Home LifestyleCareer The Inspiration Behind The Mysterious Instagram @JerseyPhotographer

The Inspiration Behind The Mysterious Instagram @JerseyPhotographer

by Nicole Gittleman
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Everyone has a favorite kind of Instagram account to follow. For some, it may be puppy accounts or the wildly popular “overheard” pages. For others, it’s celebrities or their favorite teams. Maybe, just maaaybe, it’s @thehobokengirl {and now — @themontclairgirl!}. Regardless of your favorite kind of page to follow, it’s tough to deny following a page filled with beautiful aerial photography. And, if you’re a true and true New Jersey native, active on Instagram, and know a great photo when you see one, you likely follow @JerseyPhotographer. 

While the person behind the camera prefers to remain anonymous, Hoboken Girl had an exclusive chat with the impressive photographer whose work frequently spotlights Hoboken and Jersey City. Read on to learn more about the inspiration behind the Instagram page, @JerseyPhotographer

photographer instagram account jerseyphotographer

All photos were taken by @JerseyPhotographer

A Hidden Identity Behind the Handle 


When asked for their name and more information about themselves, the person behind @JerseyPhotographer gracefully declined to respond, instead, sharing “I prefer to remain anonymous partially for privacy, but more importantly, I’d like to keep the focus on New Jersey!” Even though they didn’t disclose their name or much information about their personal life, @JerseyPhotographer, had plenty of rich information to indulge. 

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The photographer has been a resident of New Jersey for years now, and always thought of the great state as an underdog to NYC. “I love that. I think it’s great that we are more in the shadows of the most famous city in the world so that we have less attention but we’re still able to access the city while having things that the city does not.” Needless to say, showcasing New Jersey from such beautiful angles brings @JerseyPhotographer joy. 

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@JerseyPhotographer is a self-trained photographer who also wanted to keep their camera of choice a secret, to not stray from the focus {our gorgeous state}. Although, they did mention frequently shooting with an iPhone.  

Capturing Hudson County Cityscapes


Many of the photos that @JerseyPhotographer shoots and shares are taken in more urban areas of New Jersey, like Jersey City and Hoboken. “Urban landscapes are pretty unique in terms of the juxtapositions, the people, the architecture, and the historical contexts”, they share.

@JerseyPhotographer loves being able to capture the same location in so many different ways, which makes it feel as if they are seeing it for the first time again. It also helps keep their newsfeed filled with fresh content versus the same old park in the same old season with the same old people.

Not one minute of city life is the same, which is what pulls  @JerseyPhotographer to photograph Hudson County. They also share, “I also just like to think about all of the changes in the neighborhood that came before me and all that will gradually and iteratively come later.” 

Being in a city, near water, and near New York City has its unusual advantages for the photographer, too. 

“Sometimes, I’ll do weird things like hop on a boat for the sole purpose of photography. I take shots from across the river often, too. If you’re in New York, people tend to photograph New York, but I like to take pictures of New Jersey from New York City, which is the opposite of what most people like to do.”

Getting the Shot 


When it comes to getting the perfect shot, @JerseyPhotographer has a few methods to the madness and strives to be unique. “Bringing a new perspective forces you to see something humbly as if it’s the first time you are seeing it even if you’ve seen it a thousand times before from a normal perspective,” the photographer explains.

Oftentimes, they explain, they try to shoot photos taken from angles that most people have not experienced. As an example, @JerseyPhotographer frequently captures content from an impressive vantage point like a high-rise building or even, a helicopter.  

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When asked which of their shots are their favorite, @JerseyPhotographer hinted that some had not been posted to the Instagram page… yet. 


Their favorite type of place in general to photograph is anywhere that they can find “a visual that makes you stop and think, even for a moment.” As an example, while photos of storefronts may seemingly go against trying to shoot something in a dramatic or unique way, @JerseyPhotographer might try to really draw out the symmetry in the scene.

This way, the photo subtly draws you to stare and appeal to your imagination. In this case, as @JerseyPhotographer puts it, “to the story behind each business and what the lives of the owners must be to serve all of us every day, especially in these tough times.” Sometimes, they intentionally put fewer people in the shot as the absence forces people to do more imagining. “The goal is to invoke deeper thoughts and feelings of humility/appreciation.”

When asked what the long-term goals for the page were or what @JerseyPhotographer might want to share additionally with Hoboken Girl, they simply said, “this page is just a labor of love to show people the beauty of New Jersey. Thanks to all the neighbors out there!” 

So, follow @JerseyPhotographer if you don’t already and show the page some love.


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