Home Jersey City 15 Jersey City Dogs You Need to Follow on Instagram

15 Jersey City Dogs You Need to Follow on Instagram

by Will
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Pups {and owners} of Jersey City asked — we obliged. We recently shared our pick of 20 Hoboken dogs to follow on Instagram — but we didn’t forget about our furry neighbors in JC. From the Heights, to Paulus Hook, and Downtown there are just as many doggos in Jersey City as there are in Hoboken. Here are our picks of our favorite 15 Jersey City dogs who live very Instagram-worthy lifestyles {and are good boys and girls too, of course}.

1. @apuppynamedcharlotte

This sweet pup was rescued off the streets of Puerto Rico. Her days now consist of modeling for her mom’s dog accessory line & attending play dates with her pals.


2. @yasyasyasper

Next is one of Charlotte’s best pals! Happy and chillin, the way all dogs should be.

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3. @ash.fetchum

This Shiba Inu has a wardrobe that would put most humans to shame.



4. @snaggletooth_ernie

Can’t resist a good snaggletooth.



5. @iamwigglebums

If his hilarious handle isn’t enough to get you follow, his super cute fluffiness definitely should be.


READ: Hoboken Dogs Enjoying Pupaccinos from Hudson Coffee

6. @jerseycityjasper

Our second Jasper on the list. All about cuddles and beauty rest.



7. @greyson_the_italiangreyhound

Greyson is a walking stick who walked {or should we say nosed} his way into our hearts!



8. @walterthesharpug

Follow the adventures of Walter, a Sharpei mix, +  his adopted brother Louie.


9. @londontheberner

London is part teddy bear + part Bernese baby!



10. @gussythepup

As an adopted dog, you know you’ve hit the puppy lotto when your dad is @chefelliot.



11. @barrydoodle

Barry has a personality as golden as his fur.



12. @louispied

Because it’s not a dog list until there’s an adorable Frenchie on it.



13. @stoutthelab

This adorable young lab pupster is new to the gram but is already quite a model.



14. @nalastaresatfood

Possibly part dingo — she definitely wants your food.



15. @penelopethepig

Not a dog but we couldn’t help it! Look how cute she is — and not to mention, Penelope is potty trained and walks on a leash just like a pup. A former Hoboken resident now living in Jersey City, she has quite a following.



See More: 15 Hoboken Babies and Their Dogs

Who’s your favorite Jersey City dog to follow on Instagram? Share with us in the comments below! 

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