Home Food + Drink The Juice Box In Jersey City Closes Temporarily; Reopening in the Spring

The Juice Box In Jersey City Closes Temporarily; Reopening in the Spring

by Stephanie Spear
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The Juice Box opened at 150 Bay Street in the lobby of CKO Boxing back in July 2023. The cafe, founded by a BNR Jersey City resident, specializes in organic juices and smoothies. After being open for a few months, The Juice Box announced that it would be closing for the winter and reopening in the spring. Read on for details about the closure and more about The Juice Box in Jersey City.

The Temporary Closure


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The Juice Box sent out an email to customers on Wednesday, January 4th, announcing the winter closure and spring reopening. Read the full message below:

“We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and patronage. Your enthusiasm for our handcrafted juices, smoothies, and nourishing treats has been the lifeblood of our small business. We are truly humbled by the sense of community and warmth you have brought to Juice Box JC, transforming it into a vibrant hub of health and wellness.

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As we prepare to bid adieu for the colder months, we carry with us the memories of your laughter, the chatter of friendships being forged over a shared love for wholesome refreshments, and the joy in knowing that our labor of love has found a cherished place in your lives.

During this break, we encourage you to keep in touch with us through our social media channels, where we will be sharing updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and perhaps even a few surprises along the way.

In closing, we extend our deepest thanks for being an integral part of our journey. Your support has not only sustained us but has also helped kickstart our dream of bringing health and vitality to the community. We eagerly anticipate the day we can welcome you back through our doors, where the familiar aromas and the warmth of our shared experiences await.

Until we meet again in the blossoming days of spring, we wish you all the best. Stay healthy, stay happy, and, most importantly, stay refreshed.

Charles Taylor
Owner Juice Box JC”

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About Charlie Taylor

Jersey City native Charlie Taylor is a longtime coach and manager at CKO Boxing, located at 150 Bay Street. He has always been dedicated to fitness, starting as a tae kwon do competitor in his youth. “My first juice was actually beet juice,” he said, grimacing.

As he learned more about nutrition and athletic performance, the juices became tastier and he became more creative with the recipes. “I was like a mad scientist,” he said. “It’s always been about the athletic side” of what he can get out of juices and smoothies.

Charlie is also involved with the CKO Boxing location in Bayonne, and said that the team was always looking for something to offer students after class. “We were looking all over town for a good smoothie place, and we never found anything we really liked,” he said. “We were bringing out our blenders and whipping up whatever we could.”

At the same time that Charlie and the CKO team wanted to offer more to the athletes, a space opened up in the 150 Bay Street building. “We used to face the other side of the building, but the landlord had to renovate so our space got turned around, and now we face the other direction.” With that change in space came a sized-up lobby, perfect for a juice bar.

The space also doubles as an art gallery: the art on the walls is rotated every six months and is for sale. “We work with the building’s curator to display local artists,” Charlie said.

About The Juice Box

The Juice Box was a work in progress for quite literally years before opening in Jersey City. “I’ve been thinking about doing something like this since before Covid,” he said. “It’s happened in stages, between Covid, the renovations, and then getting everything together here.”

Manager Alyssa Mullican is a Detroit, MI native but has lived in Jersey City for the past 12 years. She credits a juice-forward lifestyle for an incredible improvement in her physical health. “I’ve worked in bars for years and five years ago got into juicing, and found myself talking more about juices than drinks at the bar,” she said. “It’s been amazing to connect with people about juicing. To me, it’s so important to guide people and help them find the ingredients that can change their life.”

The smoothies and juices on the menu have benefits that anyone can enjoy. “That’s something about juicing that I think is so important,” Charlie said. “The nutrition is incredible for athletes and everyday people.”

Initially, the menu had thirty different choices. Charlie shared the menu with friends and family to narrow down the choices to the final selections. “We’re still working on it,” he said back in July. “Trying to learn what people like, what gaps might be in the menu.”

Charlie’s favorite drink is the Almond Joy, a smoothie made with pink sea salt, almond butter, almond milk, avocado, cinnamon, and maple syrup.

Alyssa’s favorite drink is the Chilltown, a freshly-blended juice made with cucumber, pineapple, and spinach. “It’s bright green, which can surprise people, but it’s so refreshing and hydrating.” HG took Alyssa’s advice and tried this drink on a 90-degree day and can confirm its refreshing properties.

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The Juice Box has freshly blended smoothies and juices in addition to a cooler of pomegranate and orange juices. Wheatgrass shots are available as well.

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