Home Culture Jersey City Resident on The Bachelor: Kristen Hopkins Tells Us Everything

Jersey City Resident on The Bachelor: Kristen Hopkins Tells Us Everything

by Alexis Spoden
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For those Bachelor fanatics, it’s always an exciting moment when a girl or guy from your own hometown is represented on a season. This season, Kristin Hopkins, a Virginia native, and current Jersey City resident was fighting for Matt Jame’s heart. Kristin, unfortunately, did not receive a rose Episode Three, but she shares her experience with Hoboken Girl and answers some of our burning questions about what it was like applying for the show and being on The Bachelor. Read on to learn more about Jersey City resident Kristin, and her time on The Bachelor’s 25th season. 

kristen hopkins the bachelor

Photo: Bachelor ABC via Kristin Hopkins

Kristin Hopkins moved to Jersey City in September of 2019 to pursue her career as a Manhattan attorney. Her job was in NYC, but she decided to live in Jersey City for a quieter vibe and cheaper rent. “I love being so close to Manhattan and being able to have my car while still getting the fix of being in a city,” Kristin explains. She had a great job and lived in an awesome city, and was thriving, living the single life. Kristin’s mom and best friend, however, were ready to change that part.

Hoboken Girl: First things first. How did you decide to go on The Bachelor?

Kristin: My mom saw Matt James on Good Morning America and was like ‘Kristin, he would be perfect for you, you should look into it!’ I told her there was no way I’m going on The Bachelor. Then I told my friend who is obsessed with the show what my mom said to me, and she loved the idea and applied for me right then and there. I got a call two weeks later from the show and was like, “is this a joke or not?!”

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kristen hopkins the bachelor

HG: The Bachelor [FINALLY] featured its first Black bachelor ever — in almost 20 years of being on TV. How did it feel being a part of this season?

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K: You know, as a BIPOC that’s a big part of the reason I wanted to be part of this cast — diversity super important, and I truly believe in showing different people’s lives — how they are and how they live. Black love stories should be shown on TV. Diversity is just so important. I truly definitely think that having a Black bachelor and being a part of contestants of color has been so important and special for the franchise.

HG: It’s about time [and way overdue], IMO! Going on the show, what was a moment that really showed who you were to the world?

K: I think I showed who I am the most as a Black woman when I was wearing a shower cap during a game where we were going to get wet — can’t mess up my hair! Black hair is just so much harder to straighten when wet, and I didn’t have time to do it again.

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HG: How long do you have until you knew you were on the show before starting?

K: I had a couple of weeks before going out just to pack. My mom came up to Jersey City to help me because I essentially had two months’ worth of clothes to pack. We had a list from the show of everything we would need. It was everything you could imagine – every type of clothing. My mom and I just went through my closet to see what I had, then made a list of things I needed to get. I definitely spent more money than I wanted to. After coming home there were a couple of things I ended up returning, but most things I kept and hopefully there’s another chance that I will get to wear it.

HG: Did it make you feel more or less comfortable that Matt came from outside The Bachelor world?

K: I would say it made me a little less comfortable because he didn’t fully understand the contestant side as much and the amount of stress that we were under. So it was a little hard when he didn’t understand the drama that was going on.

HG: What Covid precautions were taken on set?

K: We were all quarantined and they followed everything that was needed. I don’t know all the particulars, but they definitely followed all the protocols. 

HG: What does everyone do when not on dates?

K: We just hung out. I did my nails a lot, did my hair, talked to the other girls, and became friends with them. There was a really nice pool at the resort so we hung out there a lot.

 HG: What rules do you have to follow on set?

K: Not having a phone is the main thing, and not being able to communicate with the outside world. It was refreshing, not gonna lie. I always have my phone on me, especially being a lawyer, so not having it was really nice for those few weeks.

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On night one, do you get to choose what your opener/introduction is, or does production suggest ones? 

K: I got to pick — I wanted to do a lawyer joke and they kind of helped me come up with it. But I didn’t know that Riley, who was an attorney on Claire and Taysia’s season did the same joke.

kristen hopkins the bachelor

HG: On the fashion front —where did you shop for all your rose ceremony gowns?

K: Castle Couture is a place in Manalapan and I got at least six dresses from there. They have a prom section for the ceremonies that were more on the dressier side. Then I also got some from Revolve. I think everybody was shopping from Revolve.

HG: What advice do you have for someone interested in getting on the show for the next season?

K: When you apply they ask for a tape and pictures, so make sure your self-tape is fun and exciting. Show who you are, and show that you’re fun and exciting and are going to be engaging. Obviously, they won’t want someone who isn’t going to be able to talk to whoever is The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. So showing that you have an engaging personality and showing that you are down for honestly anything is important.

HG: And now for some local Qs — your faves. 

Favorite Restaurant? Latham House — love their brunch!

Boutique? Mint Market.

Workout? I work out at home mostly right now.

Beauty spot? Blooming Nails.

Brunch spot? Rooftop XP is beautiful, and I love Latham House!

HG: One more JC question that inquiring minds want to know. Now that you’re back in Jersey City, how do you feel about the dating scene? 

K: You know — I haven’t thought about it a ton, but I don’t do the apps, so I don’t know what I’m going to do! There’s a lot of anxiety around it for sure.

HG: Is there anything else you would want readers to know about the experience, about you?

K: On the show, I had a lot of fun. It was honestly a once in a lifetime experience and I got to meet so many amazing people. I made friends that I’ll have forever at this point. It’s a really great experience and if you do get on the show, enjoy the time that you have because it goes really quickly! It’s such an exciting process.

Head to our Instagram @thehobokengirl for a fun day-in-the-life takeover with Kristin!


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