Home Food + Drink Our Favorite Gluten Free Products + Where to Find Them in Hoboken

Our Favorite Gluten Free Products + Where to Find Them in Hoboken

by Mangiamo Hoboken
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While we’re going VERY gluten today at the Chili Cookoff & Home-Brewing Contest in Hoboken, Val from Mangiamo Hoboken has been going gluten free for the past year and a half– and has some fantastic products to share {for those of us that like to stay away from wheat and gluten but love to snack}. Here are a few – AND where to find them in Hoboken:

Image via google

Image via google

Going gluten free has become much easier for me over the past year and a half.  Every day it seems a new snack, bread, pasta, etc. has come out on the market. I’m a huge proponent of cooking, but I found some great new products around town that I thought I would share:

  • Stella Artois Cidre. Because sometimes wine gets boring (although I have thought about becoming a sommelier and it’s only taken me 100 tries to pronounce that correctly!). Anyways, back in my beer drinking days, Stella was one of my favorites. Their version of hard cidre is refreshing, not too sweet, and just the right amount of apple flavor.
    •  Sold at3A’s, Farside, 8th Street Tavern, 1 Republik, 4 L’s, 10th & Willow, Elysian Café, Helmer’s, and Carpe Diem.
  • Sahale Snacks. My mom discovered these and I think I ate an entire bag in one sitting. I suggest topping them on yogurt with some fruit,  as they are a great alternative to “granola.” My favorite is the Sahale Crunchers, Almonds with Cranberries, Sesame Seeds + Honey.
    • Sold at: Shoprite, Rite Aid (Shipyard and 13th/Willow locations), Hudson News at 1 Hudson Plaza.

sahale snacks

  • Tate’s Gluten Free Ginger Zinger. A friend introduced me to this brand. He “accidentally” picked up the gluten free chocolate chip cookies, but ended up liking them better than the regular version. The brand launched the Ginger Zinger flavor last year and they are such a great holiday cookie. I’ve noticed that gluten free cookies have a lot of added sugar in them to make up for the lack of flour. However, of all the brands, Tate’s has the least amount of sugar and the best taste!
    • Sold at: Shoprite, King’s, and various bodegas.
    • *Also, you can now purchase Gluten Free Gift Baskets on their website. A great gift for someone gluten free!
  • Tates
  • Barefruit. Their saying is, “Snacks Gone Simple.” I tried the crunchy apple cinnamon flavor.  No other ingredients but dried apples and cinnamon. Truly a great afternoon snack. They have about ten other flavors, including a sea salt and caramel!
    • Sold At: Rite Aid, which now has an area dedicated to gluten free food (all labeled). Barefruits is also sold at Garden of Eden.
  •        barefruit
  • And finally, I know there is not one in Hoboken, but for those that can get to Wegmans, they now have an entire SECTION dedicated to gluten free. This includes: frozen foods, refrigerated items and packaged items such as mixes and snacks Plus, they continue to label their products throughout the store with the “G” symbol.
  • wegmans


Click here for some more great Gluten-Free posts on HobokenGirl.com! What are your favorite gluten-free products {found in Hoboken}?

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