Home Lifestyle Your Guide to May 2020 Horoscopes is Here

Your Guide to May 2020 Horoscopes is Here

by Shawn Engel
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As we kick off the astrological events this month, we begin with a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 7th, followed by a chain of retrogrades. On May 11th, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius, on the 13th, Venus goes retrograde in Gemini, and on the 14th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Capricorn. 

This means our responsibilities, the way we love + make money, and our luck and philosophy {respectively} will need a review. We must look at all of these aspects simultaneously and see what needs to change while we emerge out of this global crisis. Which can be, to say the least, overwhelming. On May 11th, Mercury moves into Gemini making us much more chatty, and Mars moves into Pisces on the 13th, putting both our fantasies and delusions into action. By the close of the month, the Sun will have moved into friendly Gemini on the 20th, followed by a New Moon in the same sign on the 22nd, bringing a fresh breath of air to how we communicate. We close the month with Mercury moving into caring, homebody Cancer on the 28th, turning conversations to family matters. Check out your horoscopes to see which of these transits will affect you most this month:

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We’ve been hanging out in your season and will continue to do so until the 20th, sweet Taurus. Take special note of the full moon in Scorpio on the 7th, as it is in your polar sign. This is an excellent time for you to embrace your shadow parts, and go really deep with your needs and desires. On the 13th, your ruling planet, Venus, goes retrograde in Gemini. This will have you rethinking how you communicate in your relationships of all kinds. When Jupiter goes retrograde in fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on the 14th you may feel a little stifled when it comes to money-making ideas, but all you need to do is take time to do a deeper reflection of your ventures. You will emerge victoriously! When the sun shifts out of your sign and into Gemini on the 20th, you may feel a difference in the energy, and you might even feel a little discomfort. Use the new moon on the 22nd to set new goals for how to get back to your usual self and close the month strong.


There is a lot of activity for you this month, dear Gemini. The full moon in Scorpio on the 7th lights up the sector of your chart that governs productivity and day to day tasks. This is the time to give your to-do lists a makeover. Saturn, the planet of responsibility, goes retrograde in fellow air sign Aquarius on the 11th, asking you to rethink how you govern your life and the rules you put in place for it. The same day, Mercury moves into your sign and makes you even more talkative.) On the 13th, the way you respond to all things love and money will be put into question, as the glamour planet Venus goes retrograde in your sign. A lot of reflection is happening for you now, so while you’re usually equipped at talking yourself through an issue, now is more of a time to think and observe. All will be well, however, because when the sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, you’ll be feeling your oats and the new moon on the 22nd will have you putting your best foot forward with all that you’ve learned.

See More: Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? Astrology 101

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Things are a little up and down this month, Cancer babes. The full moon in fellow water sign Scorpio has you in your feels — exactly where you like to be. Expressing your emotions has never been difficult for you, and now is a time to go deep with them and let them guide you, rather than hinder you. Mars shifts into fellow water sign Pisces on the 13th, which brings gusto to your emotions — now we’re putting action behind our words. When Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th in your polar sign of Capricorn, the way you attain your goals may need a deeper look. Use this time to reflect on your tactics. On the 20th, the sun shifts into the air sign Gemini, leaving you feeling more chatty than usual. Use the new moon on the 22nd to set goals with networking, as it highlights the friendship sector of your chart.


Depending on your chart, Leo queens, this month could be smoother for you than most. The full moon in Scorpio on the 7th highlights the home and family sector of your chart, so you will feel inspired to look at how you can amplify your home life. Perhaps a loungewear upgrade is in the cards. When task-master Saturn goes retrograde in your polar sign of Aquarius on the 11th, you’ll be forced to look at the responsibilities you have to your friends and your fellow man. The sun shifting into Gemini on the 20th will amplify your already stand-out demeanor and will be elevated by the new moon in the same sign on the 22nd. Make a plan to speak loudly on this day, which shouldn’t be an issue for you fierce lions.

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There’s a bit of activity for you Virgos that can help or hinder you, depending on your outlook. The full moon in Scorpio on the 7th highlights the communication sector of your chart, so look at how you can more effectively express your needs to others. On the 11th, your ruling planet Mercury moves into fellow Mercurial sign Gemini, which will make you much more productive. Then on the 13th, when Mars moves into your polar sign Pisces, you will be asked to look at the shadow side of how you put that productive energy to use. When Jupiter goes retrograde in fellow earth sign Capricorn on the 14th, the way you look at your responsibilities may shift. Some philosophies that once stood may no longer stand; make way for them to crumble and fall away. On the 20th, the sun shifts into your planetary sister Gemini, making you feel at home in the energy. Use the new moon on the 22nd to set ahead some goals.


This is an air heavy month, Libra! With the full moon on the 7th in Scorpio, you will have your money sector highlighted. Look at how you can transform your relationship with how you make, give, and earn. On the 11th, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius and Mercury moves into Gemini. You’ll be feeling the effects of both of these transits due to your shared element; expect to take a hard look at your responsibilities to your friends and others, and be quick to speak in the coming month. On the 13th, Venus {your ruling planet} goes retrograde in chatty Gemini, which will have you rethinking all of your relationships, from romantic, to platonic, to monetary, etc. When the sun shifts into fellow air sign Gemini on the 20th, however, you’ll be feeling ready to embrace whatever comes your way. Set an intention on the 22nd to do so under the new moon.


We kick off the astrological events with a full moon in your sign, you scorpion babes. This will have you feeling really empowered, so use this time to release the old and embrace the new {you do love transformation}. When your planetary ruler, Mars, moves into fellow water sign Pisces mid-month, you will feel a shift in your ability to take action. Your dreams will fuel your productivity; let it flow! On the 20th, the sun shifts into Gemini and talk is in the air, but you know how to cut through the BS. Set an intention on the 22nd under the Gemini new moon to not give in to false information.


There’s a lot of activity in your polar sign of Gemini this month, dear archers! This means your complimentary or even shadowy, traits will be peeking out, so let them see what’s out there. On the 7th, under the full moon in Scorpio, you will be faced with closure and an ending of sorts. It is time to embrace this so you can move forward more powerfully. On the 11th, Mercury moves into Gemini, making your communication feel at odds with itself. Usually, you are blunt and matter of fact, but there seems to be too much chatter in the air. Take your time with your words under this transit. On the 13th, Venus goes retrograde in Gemini, creating stifled energy in how you communicate with your partners. Breathe through it, you will learn a lot! On the 14th, your planetary ruler, Jupiter, takes the retrograde shuffle in the sign of Capricorn, throwing your hard work into a bit of a whirlwind. You will emerge with strength if you choose to, but this month is going to challenge you to chill and take the lessons. When the sun shifts into Gemini on the 20th, there will be a lot of emerging talk — make sure that you’re not adding to the noise, but rather speaking effectively and with purpose. Set an intention on the new moon to carry this out on the 22nd.


You may be forced to slow down a bit this month, which we know you sea goats hate to hear. The full moon in Scorpio on the 7th highlights the sector of friendships in your chart, so your fellow man will be put at the forefront under this lunation. List out what needs attention and what can be released. On the 14th, luck and expansion planet Jupiter goes retrograde in your sign, which is causing a bit of a lull. This is actually a good thing, with the right perspective, as it forces you to reflect on the places in your life that aren’t reaching their full potential. When the sun shifts into Gemini on the 20th, you’ll be ready to network and move out of your funk, but be wary of who you let in your circle. On the new moon, set an intention to only move forward with the most worthy prospects.

Read More: The Astrological Houses: What They Are + How They Affect You


It certainly is the age of Aquarius, but not without a few hiccups. The full moon on the 7th will have you looking into your career with new eyes, highlighting where you need to work and what you can delegate. On the 11th, task-master Saturn goes retrograde in your sign, forcing you to take a look at your responsibilities of all shapes and sizes. On the same day, Mercury moves into fellow air sign Gemini, which helps you to communicate these findings. Venus going retrograde in Gemini on the 13th affects you more than others due to your shared air element, but only in the way that can strengthen what is already strong, or break what needs to be broken. This will be geared towards themes of love and money, so be on the lookout and don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. With the sun moving into Gemini on the 20th, you’ll feel more vocal than usual and able to communicate these needs, and on the new moon on the 22nd, you should write them all down and set an intention to stand by them.


Oh sweet fish, what a wild time we live in! The full moon in fellow water sign Scorpio on the 7th will have you swimming in your emotions. Embrace them but don’t let them drown you. On May 13th, action planet Mars moves into your sign, inspiring you to put your money where your mouth is. You will feel ready to make moves under this transit, so follow that energy. As the sun shifts into Gemini on the 20th, your home and family sector will be highlighted. Look to these themes and see where you can communicate anything that needs to change, and on the 22nd under the Gemini new moon, change it.


Depending on your chart, there’s not much energy effective flow, dear rams. The full moon in Scorpio on the 7th highlights the intimacy sector of your chart, so get a little sexy under this lunation! On the 13th, your ruling planet, Mars, moves into your neighboring sign of Pisces, and action is feeling slightly sluggish. With all of the activity in the cosmos, just take a breath and try to reflect on your needs. When the sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, chatter will be in the air and you will be ready to link up with friends {circumstances permitting} so on the 22nd, under the new moon, set a plan to do so.

What are you expecting from your horoscope this month? Let us know in the comments below!


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