Home Food + Drink Delicious Mini English Muffin Pizzas to Make at Home

Delicious Mini English Muffin Pizzas to Make at Home

by Corinne Batsides
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Since we’re a few days into all this self quarantine and social distancing business, it feels like the right time for another DIY recipe to add to our #HGTryThisAtHomeSeries. Instead of dreading this time at home, use it to your advantage and become the chef you always knew you could be. Or just try this recipe — it’s amazing, trust us. 


{Photo credit: Casey2Cook.com}

About the Dish

casey 2 cook pizza pies

{Photo credit: Casey2Cook.com}

If you’re still reeling from those decadent Reese’s Puff Pancakes we posted last  week, we’ve got something more savory for you, but just as delicious. 

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Created with love and a little nostalgia by local chef Casey 2 Cook, these perfect mini pizzas were inspired by her mother’s recipe. She says her mom’s English muffin pizzas were her favorite growing up, so we’re excited to get a taste. 

What You’ll Need

Casey’s Mini English Muffin Pizza Pies {original recipe}

  • – 1 6 pack Thomas’ English Muffins {Casey used multigrain light, you can use whichever you like}
  • – 1 8oz can of tomato sauce
  • – 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese {Casey used 2%}
  • – 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • – Olive oil cooking spray
  • -1 tablespoon of dried oregano {make sure to crush with fingers to reactivate flavor}
  • – Salt + pepper to taste
  • – Any other toppings or spices you would like to add


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{Photo credit: Casey2Cook.com}

Before you begin, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a large baking sheet with foil.

  1. Using a serrated knife, slice each English muffin in half and place them cut side up on your prepared baking sheet.
  2. Place about a tablespoon of sauce on each and use your spoon to cover the entire area of the English muffin. Reserve leftover sauce.
  3. Next, put a pinch {a little over a tablespoon} of mozzarella cheese on each one.
  4. Mix the olive oil with remaining tomato sauce and sprinkle remaining sauce evenly over the English muffins, spray lightly with cooking spray, sprinkle oregano evenly over each one and place into the oven. {Before you put into the oven, add any extra toppings you want}.
  5. Cook for 15-20 minutes, until the cheese is melted and muffins are crisp. Salt and pepper them fresh out of the oven to taste. Also add any other seasonings you desire {like garlic powder, crushed red pepper, etc}. And finally, enjoy!

So give it a try, our quarantined friends, it’s the perfect {second} lunch you’ve been waiting for.

In the coming days, our site will be sharing more recipes from local chefs, and since we’re all indoors and are slowly becoming kitchen experts, if you have a recipe you’d like to share, please email [email protected] for submissions — with photos and a google doc of the recipe and descriptions. 

We love sharing what our readers have been cooking and baking in the kitchen!


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