Home PeopleParents Reasons I Love Being a New Mom in Hoboken

Reasons I Love Being a New Mom in Hoboken

by Erin
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Hoboken is a great place to be young, but it’s an equally as great place to raise a family. From kid-friendly shops, activities, and more, the Mile Square has become a little haven for new parents and children alike. Read on to find out why it’s great to be a new mom in Hoboken from one of our writers. 

hoboken mom

We moved to Hoboken six years ago to start a new adventure — out of our parents’ house, with our first real jobs, and enjoying all the experiences {aka bars} Hoboken had to offer. Through our engagement, wedding, and home buying, Hoboken was our haven. In our eyes, the perfect little city. But through all our seasons here, my favorite just began. Six months ago, to be exact. Hoboken has become the perfect place to be a new mama and here’s why.

Mom Tribes

Social media has such power, both positive and negative. But I find it hard to articulate exactly how grateful I am for it during my transition into motherhood. Thanks to the Facebook group created specifically for Mile Square mamas who were due this past summer {there are lots of other mom groups, too}, I was instantly connected to some of the most helpful, kind, and supportive women.

Though hesitant to join at first {I mean, have you ever seen a baby website message board before? Yeesh!}. I can honestly say other moms in the area, although strangers are invaluable resources.

A broken breast pump your first night home from the hospital? A helping hand who immediately offered spare parts. First cold? Tried and true remedies. Extra size two diapers for free? Yep. The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad four-month sleep regression strike? Advice and empathy all around. Truly amazing.

JK Therapy
Hello Hydration Sidebar

See More: 10 Tips on Settling Into Hoboken as a Mom


I’m not sure I’ve ever met a person who has the time to cook a hot meal with a newborn, let alone a healthy or nutritious one. Thanks to Hoboken’s seemingly endless takeout and delivery options, we never went hungry during the newborn period.

Zap Fitness

Seamless, Delivery.com, and GrubHub may have taken a portion of our baby’s college fund, but so be it.

Local Love

Target runs take on a whole new meaning once you become a mom. You can indulge in retail therapy AND a hot Starbucks if you time it right with nap time. But Hoboken has some amazing opportunities to shop small and local for your wee one as well.

Jojo Maman Bebe, Wee Babe, and Hoboken Family Pharmacy pretty much have you covered from diapers to bottles, clothes and teething toys, and everything in between.


I struggled with breastfeeding from the day my daughter was born. And with lackluster lactation support in the hospital, I knew something was wrong. Thankfully, I was able to organize for a local lactation consultant to come to my home at 7:00AM the first morning to help me problem solve, to educate me, and to provide helpful resources. Without her, my breastfeeding journey may have ended on day three.

Being able to walk to your pediatrician who is only two blocks away is pretty amazing, too.

Read More: First-Time Resources in Hoboken, Jersey City, + Beyond


Maybe I was naïve, but I never knew the importance of baby classes. All it took was seeing a few posts from other moms to get me to see what all the fuss was about, and boy am I glad I did. So far, in just the Mile Square, we’ve taken baby sign language classes, music classes, and have had tons of fun at My Gym.

I’ve also been able to tote my daughter around to barre and HIIT classes at Local Barre, as well as Asana Yoga thanks to their BYOB {baby, that is} offerings.

Stroller Friendly Locales

God bless the businesses that are stroller friendly. With a baby in tow, it can be hard to run errands or do even the smallest things for yourself, but thanks to thoughtful business owners, you can grab your coffee, lunch, new clothes, mail packages, and get a chiropractic adjustment all with a sleeping babe in a stroller. {Shout out to Dolce and Salato, Shaka Bowl, Anthropologie, the post office, and The Joint for being especially stroller friendly!}

Walks for Days

My child does not like to nap {SO not like her mama}. Luckily, unlike my friends in the suburbs who have to take their babies on car rides for some precious baby snoozage, all I have to do is pop her in the stroller and we can walk for hours. Washington Street, the waterfront, uptown, downtown, the park — it doesn’t matter. Walking is good for the soul, for the baby, and for postpartum healing.

Being able to walk around, see friendly faces, grab coffees {maybe your third one of the day, no one’s judging}, and breathe some highly sought after fresh air with a newborn is an amazing convenience that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Being a new mom is amazing, overwhelming, frightening as all hell, incredible, exhausting, exhilarating, confusing — you name the emotion, it fits. But Hoboken has a special way of giving you a big hug, making it just a bit easier, a lot less isolating, and introducing you to a new support system. Now if only we had the space for a playroom, or, baby number two {just kidding and PSA: STOP asking}.

Have any tips for being a Hoboken mom? Let us know in the comments!

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