We’ve all been there — new year, new you — getting on a health kick, and either doing it your own way or following some crazy low-carb diet you saw one of the Real Housewives following {#nojudgment}. Whichever way you choose, it usually doesn’t work out. Why? Because the diet wasn’t designed for you and your body composition. That’s why it’s best to leave it up to the professionals, and local ones at that. Introducing My Custom Cleanse, a Hoboken-based company tailors a completely custom food plan and hand picks nutrients for each person to help you drop fat, reset your metabolism, optimize digestion, increase energy and clear skin just to name a few.The best part is, you can do it all online without having to leave your house {except to go to the grocery store, of course}. Here’s more about this local company and how it can seriously banish your bloat:
Inna Topiler, nutritionist and founder of Complete Nutrition and Wellness {established in Hoboken 11 years ago} was joined by her business partner, Alyssa Cellini 9 years ago. Together they created another company called My Custom Cleanse after their insane success {seriously, they have a 6-month waiting list} in finding and addressing the root cause of their clients’ health concerns {ranging from IBS, to food allergies, to thyroid problems and more}. Creating My Custom Cleanse allowed them not only to cater to local clients, but to clients who were not in the Hoboken who wanted to change their lives as well. {Editor’s note: Complete Nutrition and Wellness/My Custom Cleanse CHANGED my life — Inna figured out some things that were holding me back from losing belly bloat including a thyroid issue and sulfur allergy, and I have been working to get healthy ever since!}
We were lucky enough to interview these ladies to find out how My Custom Cleanse can change the way you approach your next diet. Keep reading for the answers to some of the questions you might have, and how to start this cleanse yourself:
What makes My Custom Cleanse different from consulting in your office?
My Custom Cleanse is an ONLINE extension of what we do [nutritional counseling, troubleshooting fat loss and addressing health from the root cause]. If someone called our office to make an appointment with us, they would have to wait over 6 months as there is currently a waiting list for our services. We hated making people wait, but we know the secret to our success is customizing every detail for each client. It wasn’t easy, but after a year of mapping out our plan, we finally created an online quiz that provides us with all the information we need to build someone a highly specific food plan along with their unique combination based on their specific goals and concerns. You will have access to the quiz once you purchase one of our cleanse packages.
What type of questions can I expect on the quiz?
The questions on the quiz are no different than what we would ask during an in-person consultation. The more we know, the more successful the plan will be when followed. Examples of some questions are:
‘How often you go to the bathroom?’
‘Do you stay asleep at night?’
‘Do you get headaches?’
‘Are you prone to rashes?’
‘Do you take medications? For what and what kind?’
We also ask about diabetes, cholesterol, and of course physical attributes. We try to cover everything including finding out each person’s exact schedule so we can customize. We also provide an open-ended section and we love when people tell us more.
What happens after I complete the online quiz?
After the quiz is completed, we send you the plan that we design for you which details what to eat and how to combine different foods, what time to eat, how much of it to eat. We are very specific in our recommendations however we provide a food key that categorizes different options so you can mix and match different foods to create a variety of delicious options. Each cleanse is mailed to you, which includes the unique food plan, food guide, a vegan protein powder, and 3 supplements that work together, targeting the specific issues we were able to figure out based on your answers.
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Can you give us an example of a cleanse?
Here is an example of a food guide that we created for two different women who weigh the same and want to lose the same amount of weight, but with different goals. While their weight goals are the same, they have different health concerns and different metabolisms which are analyzed from their answers.
#1 wants to improve her energy and finds that she goes to sleep late and wakes up early.
#2 wants to improve her skin and digestion and goes to sleep early and wakes up early.
Below are the plans we created for each woman based on her individual schedules as well as 20 other factors {that we evaluate and analyze from our questionnaire they’ve completed}.
Plan for #1
Breakfast: 8AM – smoothie with Essential Base protein powder, 1 cup berries and coconut milk
Snack: 10AM – 4 egg-whites with mixed vegetables and 1 pear
Snack: Noon – Applegate turkey slices with an apple
Lunch: 2PM – 5 oz chicken of breast with ½ cup brown rice and steamed broccoli
Snack: 5PM – 1 cup unsweetened applesauce
Dinner: 7:30PM – lettuce wraps with grilled chicken, tomatoes, cilantro and guacamole
Snack: 9:30PM – egg-white salad (Our recipe with homemade mayo, celery and spices)
Plan for #2
Breakfast: 7:30AM – protein shake with supplements and apple
Snack: 9:30AM – oatmeal with 1 ½ c strawberries
Lunch: Noon – ½ cup quinoa with grilled chicken and unsweetened applesauce
Snack: 3PM – multi-tasker shake with a peach
Snack: 5:30PM – turkey slices
Dinner: 8PM – 4 oz broiled sea-bass with a small sweet potato and lemon-grilled asparagus

The essentials for the cleanse.
When comparing these two plans, you can see that they are very different from one another {despite both girls weighing the same and wanting to lose the same amount of weight}. Their schedules are so different from one another because they are personalized completely for them based off the results we received from their questionnaire. The difference also comes from how different their biochemical pathways and cravings are. If both women tried each other’s plan, they would not have seen the same results.
Soooo, does it really work?
We have many success stories that prove to us what we are doing actually works. We also have a ton of clients re-order our cleanses within a few months, so we know they were pleased with their initial results. What makes our program effective is that we target the whole body and use potent, proven ingredients based on what you specifically need while providing customized nutrition and healthier choices for you. With our targeted questions, we are able to see which organs and which metabolic pathways are not performing optimally. Then we focus our efforts, using specific botanicals, vitamins and minerals, to optimize where you need it most.
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How are your cleanses different from others?
The main difference is that this cleanse is completely customized to each person. We don’t believe that a 200-pound man and 120-pound woman should be eating the same way or taking the same supplements which is what normally happens with most other cleanses on the market. Also, our cleanses do not involve any juicing, fasting, or fad diet tricks and will not make you hang out in the bathroom all day. You are eating real foods and the nutrients work synergistically to help support your organs and cleanse toxins without giving you the runs.
What else do you offer at My Custom Cleanse?
For those that already have an eating plan that works and are looking to alleviate a specific health concern or ailment, we offer customized kits. We used our client’s questions and concerns over the years and came up with the most popular ones. The biggies are:
Off the Pill Cleanse: Great to do when getting off birth-control-pill to reduce the fear of hormonal backlash and symptoms such as headaches, breakouts, hair loss and insomnia.
Antibiotic Cleanse: Antibiotics can leave behind a trail of problems in the liver and gut so this kit targets the specific negative effects of these medications to help balance your body.
Bloated Girl Cleanse: Just as it sounds, fantastic to give your digestive system a clean slate
Party Girl Cleanse: This idea came from working with clients in the entertainment industry. They couldn’t find a week to fit in no alcohol! It’s not ideal to drink alcohol during a cleanse, but while on this cleanse, alcohol wont hurt the cause and end in undesirable side effects like headaches.
These are just some of our most popular cleanses — you can find them under the Custom Kits section of our website.
What if I’m not fully ready to commit to the program, but want to learn more about it?
We have a lot of information on our website MyCustomCleanse.com where people can learn much more and get access to our delicious recipes. We also have weekly video newsletters with brief {< 5 minutes} videos where we discuss a specific health topic, hot tip, or questions we get asked often. You can sign up at MyCustomCleanse.com, they’re free! We also use our Instagram @mycustomcleanse as a recipe page. It gives inspiration to those who want to eat healthy, but need ideas to vary their meal options. You can also find our recipes under the Recipe section of our website.
To sign up or get more info about My Custom Cleanse, click here or contact Inna and Alyssa here.
*This post is sponsored, but our editor routinely works with Inna and uses the supplements, and we’d never share something that wasn’t LEGIT.*