Home Events + News Those Big Trucks You’re Seeing? They’re Hoboken’s, Not the National Guard

Those Big Trucks You’re Seeing? They’re Hoboken’s, Not the National Guard

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Hurricanes have long been a threat to Hudson County, specifically parts of Hoboken + Jersey City, with our low sea levels and flood-prone areas. In the past, specifically during Hurricane Sandy, the National Guard showed up to help local residents. After a long week of flooding in Hoboken from Tropical Depression Ida, residents in our Hoboken Girl Facebook Group have been posting photos of large trucks, asking if the National Guard had returned. But in actuality — they’re Hoboken’s. Here’s a bit more about how these big boys came to be in the Mile Square.

national guard hoboken flood ida

Photo: Thea Zunick

What the Truck is Used For

“Hoboken bought a military surplus truck (a high water vehicle) after Sandy to be able to navigate deep water and do rescues. This one is not National Guard. Notice the MG (municipal government) license plate,” said Mayor Zimmer’s former communications manager, Juan Melli, in the group.

The truck is an M939 5-ton 6×6 cargo truck, and formerly a military transport truck prior. Now, Hoboken uses it as a demilitarized High Water Rescue Vehicle. It’s owned by the City of Hoboken. This can be common practice: Former military trucks can be donated to towns/cities for emergency purposes — especially in areas that are susceptible to flooding and high waters like Hoboken.

We confirmed with the City of Hoboken this is, indeed, the case.

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“It’s understandable [the confusion] since it is a military vehicle in army colors,” the source shared.

The truck has been out driving people home to areas where flooding has not receded yet.

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“Drove me home, god bless,” a resident in the Facebook Group shared.

Read More: Did Your Home Flood? Here Are the Things You *MUST* Do ASAP

Flood Information from the City of Hoboken

Flooded items including furniture, carpets, and objects (each less than 50lbs) can be placed at the curb for garbage collection tonight. Please do not place building materials at the curb because they must be separated from regular garbage. The City will announce the collection schedule soon for flood damaged building materials such as dry wall, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, electrical or mechanical equipment, tile, wood, and insulation).

The Mayor has been in contact with state senators, the Governors Office, and the White House to advocate for the declaration of a federal disaster so residents impacted by the storm can apply for FEMA funding. at https://www.fema.gov/assistance/individual

Homeowners should keep a list of damages to structures and contents. In the event that the federal government declares an emergency, FEMA will assist impacted homeowners through the Individual Assistance programs. Individual Assistance offers financial support for damaged structures and contents.

The City will expedite permits for storm recovery. Permits are required for demolition and clean out of flood damaged building materials, such as dry wall, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, plumbing fixtures, and any electrical or mechanical equipment for heating and cooling. The permit application is available on the City’s website at www.hobokennj.gov/forms or via the following link: https://hoboken.seamlessdocs.com/f/Construction_Permit_App.

Expedited procedures for submission of emergency permit applications will be updated shortly, in the meantime please follow the instructions included with the on-line permit application.

For suspected structural damage or foundation issues that are an immediate hazard contact the Construction official at [email protected] or (201) 420-2066, Community Emergency Response (CERT) Hotline or Hoboken Fire Department.

Starting at 2:00 PM CERT can be reached at 201-420-2000 ext 1701, 1702, 1703, and 1705.

If Substantial Damage is suspected (damages that exceed 50% of the value of the building, land not included) contact the City Floodplain Administrator, Ann Holtzman [email protected], 201-420-3100.

For vehicles damaged by floodwaters, contact your auto insurer. Most vehicle insurance covers flooding. If the vehicle is not covered, the vehicle owner should keep a record of damages in the event the federal government declares an emergency.


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