Home Uncategorized Hoboken Board of Ed Presenting Plans for a New High School

Hoboken Board of Ed Presenting Plans for a New High School

by Victoria Marie Moyeno
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On Tuesday, November 16th, The Hoboken Board of Education announced that the district will present plans for a new high school to the city’s Planning Board next month because of a significant increase in enrollment and the aging of the district’s school buildings.

new hoboken high school proposed 2021

Given that the current High School was built in 1962, the building’s deterioration over time had been a topic of discussion.

Patch reported on the Hoboken district’s announcement that addresses the reasoning and concept behind a new building for Hoboken High. As of October 2020, the district had 2,667 “regular on roll full-time” students, according to school documents, in addition to another 381 full-time special education students, totaling 3,048 students.

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Sharyn Angley of the Hoboken Board of Education shared the letter that was sent to the community:

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Dear families of the Hoboken Public School District,

As has been widely discussed, District enrollment is on the rise. Since 2015, enrollment has grown, while our facilities, many of them built before 1910, have remained static. With enrollment increases and the general age of the District’s existing buildings, long range facilities planning has been a top priority. In addition, the District has been focused on integration of the community and service to the community as part of our educational goals. We are thrilled to present to the community a facilities project, including a new high school, that will meet the needs of our growing population, our academic programs and will provide recreation space that the entire community will be able to enjoy. We are extremely proud that this project reflects our wider goal of bridging our school community to the broader Hoboken community. Project plans will be presented to the Hoboken Planning Board in early December and community meetings will be open to the public in December as well. The special election will take place on Tuesday, January 25, 2022.

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The Hoboken Board of Education

The location of the proposed high school has yet to be announced.

The plans will be presented in December and the special election will be held on January 25th, 2022.

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