Home Events + News New Jersey is the 2nd Best State to Live in, According to this Study

New Jersey is the 2nd Best State to Live in, According to this Study

by Sarah Boyle
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Residents of New Jersey are well aware that we live in a wonderful state — despite all the unwarranted hate the Garden State gets. For all the NJ haters out there, a new WalletHub study has proven yet again that Jersey is the best kept secret on the East Coast. The new 2022 list of the best US states, which came out on August 15th, ranked New Jersey as the 2nd best state to live in — beating out New York, which came in 3rd. The study looked at factors such as affordability, education and health, safety, the economy, and quality of life, with 52 indicators of livability across those categories. FWIW, Jersey City was also recently deemed by Lawn Love to be the 11th worst city for surviving a zombie apocalypse. The more you know. Read on to learn more about why WalletHub listed New Jersey as the 2nd best state to live in (considering non-zombie factors).

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New Jersey Ranks #2: The WalletHub Study

WalletHub has officially listed New Jersey as the 2nd best state to live in, according to its August 15th study. The study looked at 52 key indicators of livability to compile its list of the best US states. These factors covered both financial components, quality of life components, and factors that new parents or parents-to-be would consider — like safety and quality of schools.

“In order to determine the best and worst states to live in, WalletHub compared the 50 states across five key dimensions: 1) Affordability, 2) Economy, 3) Education & Health, 4) Quality of Life, and 5) Safety,” the study reads. All five areas were given a weight of 20 points, totaling 100, and each section had subsections with their own varied weights.

New Jersey received an overall score of 62.01. The only state to beat it out was Massachusetts, coming in at 62.65, while New York ranked number 3 with a score of 60.64. Idaho and Virginia came in at 4th and 5th.

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Despite recent studies showing how expensive it is to live in Hudson County, New Jersey still came out on top even when factoring in cost of living (though it did rank 48th in terms of affordability — unsurprisingly). As for the other factors, NJ’s economy ranked 39th, quality of life came in at number 7, it ranked 5th for education and health, and it was rated the best state for safety — coming in at number 1.

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For those who are curious, Mississippi was ranked the worst state in the US.

While we may not be the cheapest state to live in, it’s always wonderful to see New Jersey getting the recognition it deserves.

In other news, Jersey City was also recently ranked by Lawn Love as the 11th worst city for surviving a zombie apocalypse — which is a good thing to keep in mind. We’ll keep you posted if we hear of any zombie sightings.

For all things local, stay in the know with @thehobokengirl on Instagram and TikTok.

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