Home COVID-19 The New Jersey DMV Mobile Unit Already at Capacity in Hoboken

The New Jersey DMV Mobile Unit Already at Capacity in Hoboken

by Victoria Marie Moyeno
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UPDATE as of 10:30AM 9;10 — DMV has reached capacity for mobile unit today.
Please contact DMV directly with further Qs. All info below was sent to us via press release.

It’s no secret that the lines at local DMVs can be daunting, particularly so during the age of COVID-19. To alleviate some of the demand on the brick-and-mortar locations, the agency has decided to bring the DMV to the people, specifically to Hoboken City Hall, located at 94 Washington Street. In a press release issued September 8th, the Department of Motor Vehicles has announced that it will have a mobile service park in town on September 10th from 10AM to 2PM.

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“The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Mobile Service Unit will be coming to Hoboken on September 10 from 10AM to 2PM. In addition to MVC services, this event will also serve as a one-stop-shop for a number of services, including voter registration, information about HOPES, and representatives from the New Jersey Department of Military And Veterans Affairs and the Hoboken Food Pantry are also scheduled to attend,” Assemblywoman Annette Chapparo who organized this service for the second time, stated in the press release.

Appointments are not required.

The list of services available are:

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  • Drivers Licenses
  • Non-Driver Identification Cards
  • Registrations
  • License Plates
  • Placards
  • Examination Permits

nj motor vehicle comission mobile service hoboken

A few tips:

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  • Masks are required.
  • Please review the 6 Points of ID Requirements before coming.
  • Parking in the area is challenging so considering alternative forms of transportation.
  • Last year the MVC served about 100 people in their Mobile Unit outside City Hall and there were minimal wait times, but it’s hard to predict this information at this time.

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