Home LifestyleVolunteering October Volunteer Opportunities in Hoboken + Jersey City

October Volunteer Opportunities in Hoboken + Jersey City

by Lauren
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It’s easy to get bogged down by the numerous recent tragedies and devastations dominating the news. But the good news is, you can get involved, you can help, and you can make a difference. Below you’ll find a bunch of local charities and businesses who are opening their doors and hearts to volunteers looking to give back. From hurricane relief to fighting hunger, here’s how to get involved and volunteer this October in Hoboken and Jersey City.

Throughout October: Artist Makeup Academy Water Collection {For Puerto Rico}

The devastation in Puerto Rico is heartbreaking — many have lost their homes, belongings, and now lives are being lost as well. Our friends at Artist Makeup Academy are collecting cases of water throughout the month — bring by any amount, all is welcome. They’ll be shipping it to PR throughout the month. Dropoffs can be made at 720 Monroe Street {Monroe Center}, Suite C404 10AM-10PM.

EC Beauty Puerto Rico Collection: Now – October 5th  

The devastation in Puerto Rico is heartbreaking — many have lost their homes, belongings, and now lives are being lost as well. People are in desperate need of basic supplies, which is why today through this Thursday, October 5th, EC Beauty along with Dr. Park Avenue, will be collecting items to send for relief. Items needed include water, toiletries, baby supplies, first aid supplies, feminine hygiene products, dog food, bug repellent, flash lights/batteries, and bed sheets. A little can go a long way, so donate what you can at the front desk of EC Beauty and Dr. Park Ave.

Dine for a Cure at Leo’s: Thursday, October 5th from 5:00PM – 10:00PM

HG’s very own Michelle Lupo will be hosting a fundraiser for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at Leo’s {located at 200 Grand Street}. All you have to do is have dinner at Leo’s {and, if you want, purchase raffle tickets for some awesome gifts}. Michelle is running this year’s NYC Marathon with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, so all proceeds from the night will benefit LLS as she strides toward her goal of $3500.

Jersey City Cares Puerto Rico Relief Effort: Friday, October 6th  at 10:00PM

Hello Hydration Sidebar
The Station Hoboken

Soulful Cypher and the Global Soul project are joining forces to raise funds to help our family and friends in Puerto Rico. As they state on the event page, “We come together often for the fun + love of music and dance. We continue that tradition with a larger purpose. Every little drop in the care bucket makes a difference for those in need of help. Our music families are joining forces to help our extended family in Puerto Rico.” There is no cover for this event, but donation will be accepted at the door. More info here.

Portraits for a Purpose {to Benefit Puerto Rico}: Sunday, October 8th from 1:00PM-5:00PM on Pier A {Hoboken Girl Helps Event}

With everything going on in the world right now, many of us have been scratching our heads thinking, “What can I do to help?” With a love for people, art, photography, and alliterations, the Hoboken Girl team will be hosting Pier A Portraits for a Purpose to benefit victims of Hurricane Maria via The Hispanic Federation.

Zap Fitness

HG team members and local artist Michelle Lupo will be setting up her paper and pens near the gazebo on Pier A {100 Sinatra Drive} this Sunday from 1:00-5:00PM. She will be doing pencil-sketched portraits for individuals who would like to donate to The Hispanic Federation to help the victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Alongside Michelle will be Hoboken Girl photographer Will Ferman who will be snapping professional {human and pet} portraits with his camera on the waterfront {1-2 images per session emailed to you post-session}.

Donations via check or cash on-site — pay what you can, but suggested donation $20. See you at the pier!

Project H.E.R.O.I.S.M Columbus Day School Break Event: Monday, October 9th  

Started by a public school educator who saw a critical piece missing from the curricula in terms of teaching empathy and community service, recently launched Project H.E.R.O.I.S.M is working towards making kids superheroes. Their successful kick-off event over the summer included donating stuffed book bags to Hoboken Housing Authority residents, and their upcoming event will be held during the next school break, on Columbus Day. The event is open to participants in grades two or higher, and will include book reading, movie watching, and teamwork discussions, along with fun activities like baking, sandwich-making and arts and crafts. It will be held at Monroe Gardens Community Room from 9AM to 3PM, but space is limited so register now.

NJCU Stronger Than The Storm Hurricane Maria Relief Drive: Now – October 10th  

After the landfall of Hurricane Maria, nearly all of Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million inhabitants have been without power, sufficient food, drinking water, or basic essentials. Please consider donating the items listed on the flyer to the NJCU Center for Community Service in the Gilligan Student Union Room 111 or the Professional Studies Building Room 206. There are also volunteer opportunities to aid in the sorting, inventory, and packaging of the donated items for shipping to Puerto Rico. Those interested in volunteering must register online with the ticket here.

Cheers to Hope, The Hope Gala’s First Fall Benefit: Friday, October 13th  

A NYC night of dancing, auctions, and drinks awaits on Friday, October 13th at The Hope Gala’s first fall Benefit event, Cheers to Hope. Raising awareness and providing financial assistance to families impacted by childhood cancer through annual galas and year-round fundraising, The Hope Gala has managed to donate nearly $800,000 to the cause. Tickets to the semi-formal event, which will include a short program that speaks to the impact of the fundraising, will go towards supporting childhood cancer treatment and research — and you can get them here. 

Portraits for Puerto Rico: Sunday, October 15th  

To raise money for the relief and recovery effort in Puerto Rico, a talented and creative community of local artists are coming together to offer 15-minute portrait sessions in exchange for contributions. The main event will take place a Grayscale Studios on Sunday, October 15th from 1PM – 5pm, and all proceeds will go towards the relief effort. Recommended donation is $50, but any donation will be accepted. Can’t make the event? Donate what you can here. 

Eliminate Hunger Happy Hour: Thursday, October 19th  

Did you know that over 13 million children struggle with hunger in the United States every day? 4 Little Souls Inc. is non-profit organization that has put in 12 years of work {so far} towards helping others who are less fortunate, and they are working towards giving more children across the country hot, nutritious meals. On Thursday, October 19th, they will be hosting their 2nd annual “Eliminate Hunger Happy Hour” at Jack Demsey’s restaurant in NYC, with all proceeds going to No Kid Hungry. Last year, 4 Little Souls donated $1,200 to the cause and this year with your help they hope to raise even more. Tickets are located here.

Help For Haiti Powerflow Yoga Class: Saturday, October 21st  

Powerflow Yoga is hosting a donation-based class to raise money for a school called L’Ecole de Choix in Haiti. The school was established after the devastating earthquake of 2010, and contributions go straight to the classroom. L’Ecole de Choix aims to create future leaders who can bring new opportunities and innovation to this poverty-stricken country. The class will be held on Saturday, October 21st at 4:30PM with a suggested donation of $20.

The Dog and Funny Show: Sunday, October 22nd  

Ready to laugh for a good cause? Doug Bass from HBO’s The Comeback is hosting a stand up and sketch comedy show on Sunday, October 22nd featuring names like Laughs on Fox’s Kenny Garcia and Ben Rosenfeld, and Michele Traina from Caroline’s on Broadway, and more. Tickets are $12 and proceeds will be going towards helping pups find homes with Companion Animal Placement. Show starts at 2PM at the Celebrate Life Studio on 1200 Park Avenue. For more information, email [email protected] or call (646) 302-9547.

WomenRising’s Annual Celebration of Service Gala: Wednesday, October 25th  

WomenRising is a great organization that helps out women and families who need a hand at becoming self-sustaining. Their annual celebration of service gala is their most important event of the year, providing an opportunity for the many friends and colleagues of WomenRising to show support for the organization’s mission and help them continue to serve 11,500 women and families through Hudson County this year. The event will be held at Liberty House in Jersey City and tickets can be found here.

The Jubilee Center’s Annual Gala: Thursday, October 26th  

The Jubilee Center’s will be hosting their annual gala, the Beloved Community Celebration, at the Church of the Holy Innocents, on Thursday, October 26, 2017, at 7PM.  Tickets will be $150, or you can reserve a table for 8 for $1,000. For tickets and more info, visit the event page here.

HoBOOken 5k with the HG Team for the Hoboken Shelter, Saturday, October 28th  

The Hoboken Shelter is hosting its annual HoBOOken 5k at Pier A in Hoboken — and this year, Hoboken Girl is running with a team {contact [email protected] to sign up with us!}. This is the shelter’s biggest fundraising event of the year. With over 1700 runners participating last year, they raised more than $60,000, and this year their goal is $65,000. And then fun doesn’t stop with the race. There will be vendors on the pier post race and an after party at Wicked Wolf. Get more info here.


How are you getting involved this October? Let us know in the comments below and if you have any upcoming volunteer opportunities to share, email us at [email protected]!

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