Home Food + Drink Purely Juiced’s Kung Flu Fighter Elixir {is a Sick-Day Lifesaver}

Purely Juiced’s Kung Flu Fighter Elixir {is a Sick-Day Lifesaver}

by Jennifer Tripucka
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If you’ve ever been to Purely Juiced on 1st Street in Hoboken, then you know the delicious goodness that is their menu of smoothies, juices, and other vegan concoctions. But the thing that you may not have come across and your health trek around town is the “Kung Flu Fighter” — which is a drink that is sure to cure any virus or bug that is going on.


But we digress.

So, what’s in this magic flu-fighting elixir?

On the outside, it looks like you’re ordering tea or coffee {well, yellow-toned tea or coffee or soup}, but instead of a teabag you get an intense shot {more like a serious cup} of ginger, fire cider, cayenne, lemon, honey, oregano, and hot water. It tastes a bit spicy and a little tangy/sweet, but the best feeling is really as you’re drinking it burns anything up in your throat and simultaneously calms your stomach. Win/win for this fall flu season, that’s for sure.


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^When you have 45 of the same photo because you drink the Flu Fighter thaaat much

These ingredients aren’t for the faint of heart, and each has a medicinal quality that will help fight off anything that is potentially heading your way — be it a sinus or stomach situation.

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Ginger: Boosts immunity and calms nausea.

Cayenne: Provides detox support and helps migraines.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Soothes sore throat and clears stuffy nose.

Lemon: Detox and Vitamin C boost for your body.

Raw Honey: Soothes sore throat and digestive issues.

Oil of Oregano: Known to fight off infections

{PSA that needs to be said: Of course this elixir should not be used in place of going to the doctor if you’re actually feeling super sick, but at first sign of sickness, this should be your go-to drink to help ward off serious sniffles and try to combat it naturally.}

While you’re at it, the sushi rolls from Purely Juiced {which are actually vegan and gluten-free – made entirely out of ground sunflower seeds and rolled} – are perfect lunch grab on the go as is really everything else made at this spot. If you couldn’t tell, we’re pretty obsessed with SJ and highly recommend it. For those curious, this is not a sponsored post {as it would be marked sponsored if it were at the bottom of the post}, we just love this downtown spot that much and wanted to share the goodness and health perks. These guys and gals are the real deal and the owners are Hoboken residents who really put their heart and soul into this small shop. Nothing like shopping and eating locally, especially when it’s good for your health!

See More: Where to Buy Wheatgrass Shots in Hoboken

On that note, Happy Monday…

Aspen Prime

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