As Spencer Pratt once said, crystals are ____ {just kidding, no idea what he said, just wanted an excuse to use this meme}.
All jokes aside, currently tucked away in a small, unassuming shopping center at 9100 Tonnelle Avenue in North Bergen, is Rock My World, a crystal haven known only to the rock and energy-savvy. It is the ultimate hidden gem {punny, mean it} tucked away in northern Hudson County, but now we are selfishly sad to share it’s moving to Englewood in the new year. Here’s more about Rock My World big move to Englewood, NJ + more.
About the Move
Earlier this month, Rock My World sent out an email announcing the big news. In the email, owner Adriana Petrocelli explained that after five years in their current location, Rock My World will be taking its shop to Englewood. The email read,
“It seems surreal that we’ve been at our North Bergen location for 5 years now. By now, we know it’s really true what they say about time flying by when you’re having fun. We’ve met so many wonderful, lovely people and we feel so fortunate and blessed to have been part of this community throughout these 5 years, but now the time has come to make some changes and expand and so, we are very happy to announce that we are moving to a new location in Englewood, NJ; just a few minutes away.”
Lovers of the Tonnelle Avenue location, however, can rest easy, as a store employee explained that the current location will be open until Sunday, December 29th; after that, the shop will be closed for the move. Lovers of Rock My World should stay tuned to the store’s social media channels and newsletter to find out more news about the new location + its opening.
A Peek Inside the Current Location
Once inside the current location, the shop feels like a total juxtaposition of Tonnelle Avenue, which is a traffic-filled, congested area at times {if you’ve ever driven on Route 3 and tried to get to Jersey City from that area, of course, you already know this}. But take a glance inside the shop and inhale the palo santo, and you’ll be singing a very different spiritual tune.
On the Rock My World website, husband and wife owners Chris and Adriana Petroselli explain that they “seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people to live a more balanced life connected to their own inner voice and intuition through the use of crystals, yoga, meditation, and an overall holistic lifestyle.”
And at Rock My World, that aura rings true; you’re taken immediately from the urban chaos to a calming, zen environment. Crystals the size of small pebbles all the way to the size of a small child {SRSLY, one is 3 feet tall} are all over the place, from floor to ceiling, with baskets of sage, pendulums, and more adorning the walls on the opposite ends.
^Pendulums and how to use/which to choose based on your needs
Before opening the shop, the Petrosellis knew that their career paths would one day lead them to opening a crystal and energy oasis — Chris having spiritual gifts since he was a child and Adriana studying different spiritual paths from a very early age. Nowadays, they seek to inspire, motivate, and encourage people to live a more spiritually-oriented life.
To the left, the loose crystals section is abundant, with rose quartz, moonstones, tourmaline, garnet, carnelian, zebra jasper, and about 75+ other varieties of gemstones ready for purchase.
A few of the noteworthy stones to peruse {and their meanings — but seriously, there are so many just go to the store and see what speaks to you}:
– Carnelian: protects against negative forces and energies
– Moonstone: for fertility
-Pink Calcite: promotes forgiveness, helps in gaining self-acceptance
– Strawberry Quartz: stimulates love for all things, heals body and soul
– Rose Opal: balances thoughts and emotions
– Lapis Lazuli: helps in communicating feeling
Behind the loose stones are a variety of amethysts, citrine, rose quartz, and a varied selection of larger rocks and crystals, ideal for shelf decor with a purpose or a self-care altar.
At the other end of the store, sage, incense, and palo santo are perched in bundles. It’s hard not to grab at least a few bundles before you head to the register.
At checkout, any crystals purchased will be palo santo-ed by the staff so they are freshly energized and ready for their purpose.
^Palo Santo-ing the stones — turning any negative energy into positive
The space also offers events and classes from time to time {the schedule which can be found here though at the time of writing this, RMW doesn’t have any upcoming}.
The current hours for the Tonnelle Avenue shop are:
Monday 11AM–7:00PM
Tuesday 11AM–7:00PM
Wednesday 11AM–7:00PM
Thursday 11AM–7:00PM
Friday — Closed
Saturday 11AM–7:00PM
Sunday 12–6:00PM
It’s truly a diamond in the rough and a must-visit for any crystals enthusiast or if you want to take a quick drive out of Hoboken/JC.
PS: They have parking!
Have you been to Rock My World? What did you think? Will you be following them to Englewood?