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These Jersey City Residents Had an Epic Proposal on the Pedestrian Plaza

by Katherine Chaves Diaz
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Samantha Coppolino and William Domke II are the love story that gives us hope for online dating, the one in a million successful dating app story. As luck would have it, after so many swipe rights and lefts, failed talking stages, and first dates, it all finally ended with that last swipe right and first ‘heyy.’ Keep reading to learn about Sam and William’s 21st-century love story, with an adorable proposal that took place in Jersey City.

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Hoboken Girl: What do you both do for a living?

Samantha Coppolino: I am a producer for Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, and William is in his last year at Rutgers for his Doctorate of Physical Therapy.

HG: How long have you called Jersey City home?

SC: We have lived together in Jersey City for 2 years.

HG: How did you and your partner meet?

SC: We actually were not great at meeting people in person- I was defensive when people came up to me and was the first to pass out (thanks to my 4AM alarm lol), and he was too busy to go out much! So we met on Bumble, and only because we were both at our parents’ homes. Gotta love that three-mile filter.

HG: Was there an instant connection/chemistry between you two?

SC: Yes, it was a great first date. I thought he was so strange in the most charming and fascinating way and thankfully he was absolutely smitten. We shut down the bar (rooftop at Porta) on a Thursday night.
WD: Yeah – we stayed at Porta until it closed. I remember one moment in particular when we were talking where I just watched her talking to me (I swear I was totally listening too) where I just kind of had a “wow” moment. I liked going on lots of first dates at the time just to meet people and (sorry for the total cliche) I knew this wasn’t going to be like any of the others.

HG: How long have you been together?

SC: Just over 5 years. Yowza!
sam rosalie jersey city

HG: Tell us about your proposal.

WD: First I went to her parent’s house to ask for their blessings with a rather convincing PowerPoint presentation. Once I had a yes, I wanted to propose to Sam using music, so I hired a bunch of musicians to pose as a street band and then a couple more to pop out of storefronts to join the band for the big moment. It took place on Grove Street in front of Porta (where we had our first date) as she thought we were walking through to take a PATH to meet friends in the city. Once I proposed, we went up to Porta’s rooftop to celebrate with friends and family for the night. It went perfectly despite Sam running 45 minutes late and me frantically trying to text everybody updates on our delays!

HG: How long have you been engaged?

SC: We have been engaged for three weeks now.

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HG: Where and when are planning to get married?

SC: GREAT QUESTION! It is so hard to plan right now, we imagine, thanks to what we’ve been hearing from friends. So we are going to finalize this headcount, and then go hunting for a venue. We are not true ballroom people, nor true barn people, and we don’t drink enough wine to consider a winery. So this might be quite the challenge.

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HG: How many people do you plan to have at your wedding?

SC: Possibly over 200, if we can swing it. We don’t even have big families, we are just social butterflies.

sam rosalie jersey city

HG: Are you planning to use any local vendors?  

SC: That would be IDEAL. They seem the most personal, and there is so much our area has to offer.

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HG: Any advice for couples planning a wedding locally or in general?

SC: Have your headcount before you get engaged, since knowing the amount is pretty crucial for a venue. And finding your venue/date is one of the toughest parts. Some may say that sounds premature, but it’s like I’ve said to William. Even if we break up before you propose, your guest list will be the same as the next girl hahaha.

HG: What are you looking forward to most as a married couple?

SC: A different kind of planning. The more solid kind. These big parties are fun and seem to be almost a right of passage, thanks to our upbringings here in the tristate. And I am SO excited to party together in celebration of our marriage. But once that is all done? It’s us. It’s forever. It’s the great unknown of blossoming into the kind of couple we get to be =)

WD: We have had a crazy 5 years of dating with me trying to get into a doctorate program and then dealing with me getting through the program, and dealing with lots of other unknowns and emergencies. And we still decided to commit to each other despite (but maybe as a result of) all of that. I’m looking forward to the solidification of what I envision to be the best team I will ever be a part of and how we can draw on each other’s strengths to get everything we want out of life together.

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