Home LifestyleHealth A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing Your Heart Chakra

A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing Your Heart Chakra

by Sara
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Ever feel as though something is just “off” — but you can’t figure out what it is? There is nothing physically wrong, and on paper you are perfectly healthy. You can’t quite pinpoint what it is, but you are certain there is something just not right. You are not crazy, the “something off” feeling is likely due to an energetic blockage or imbalance in your body. It is actually quite common and can be treated. Today we’re sharing about the Chakra System, which is the best way to understand how energy flows within the body.

Our universe is made up of energetic vibrations, so it shouldn’t be hard to believe that our bodies are also made of a similar energy. The Chakra System is the A Chakra {sanskrit for wheel} is a circle near the center of the body where energy swirls, gathers and collects. There are 7 Chakras within the Chakra System; Root, Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra. The Chakras start at the base of the tailbone (Root Chakra} and run up the center of the body all the way to the {Crown Chakra} area located just above the head. Each of the Chakras have different physical, emotional and spiritual characteristics that make up who we are. Whether you are consciously aware of their presence or not, when Chakras are energetically flowing freely as they should, your body, mind and spirit will function {and heal} at it’s highest potential.

7 Chakras

Heart Chakra

In honor of National Hearth Month, it seemed appropriate to bring some awareness to the Heart Chakra; how imbalances might manifest and even how you can heal them. Appropriately located at the heart center, the Fourth Chakra is the Chakra of love, compassion, and some even say the window into your soul. A balanced Heart Chakra permits the ability to fall in love; the ability to unconditionally give your true self to another and trust that your heart is safe with them. When imbalanced some may lose the ability to trust another, lose compassion {inhumanity} or passion for oneself and others, or possibly even disconnecting entirely from the universe {depression and anxiety}. Physically, a Heart Chakra imbalance may manifest as an immune system or lung deficiency {asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis}, heart health imbalances {palpitations, murmurs, panic attacks}, or even more serious conditions such as lung cancer, breast cancer, heart failure and/or heart attacks.

There are endless reasons why one’s Chakra may become blocked or imbalanced. However, the main culprits are tied to our daily stressors; work, relationships, diet, and exercising {or lack thereof}. Of course, genetics and the overall health constitution that you are born with may also play a key component to your Chakra health. As an example, think about a time your trust was violated, or a time when you were so scared that you can feel your heart beating in your chest. It is very likely the energetic flow of your Heart Chakra was changed or even blocked by this moment. The energetic shift is what makes these types of situations so difficult to move past and heal from. Once the energy flow is restored, your mind, body and spirit are able to heal. In my acupuncture practice, I have even found correlation between Heart Chakra imbalances and fertility complications. The ability to trust that the universe will assist in the miracle of a baby, as well as the passion of moving into parenthood, are powerful emotions that sometimes can throw the Chakra’s energy off balance.


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When it comes to balancing any Chakra, I always recommend Reiki healing. Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing. Specifically, a Reiki practitioner has been trained to connect and feel the energetic vibrations of the Chakra System. Once the practitioner senses which Chakras are blocked or not flowing as they should, they then use themselves as a conduit between the Universe’s potent energy supply and the patient in order to restore balance. Reiki healing can be hands on or off — depending on what your practitioner finds to be appropriate. Most patients feel a soothing sense of calm during and after a Reiki session. Once all Chakras are moving freely, the nervous system has been calmed and restored and healing can begin.


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Heart Openers

Any yoga instructor would recommend gentle heart openers in order to heal the Heart Chakra. Start slowly with beginner poses, if you dive straight into Camel pose there is a chance of becoming very dizzy or sick. Remember the whole point is to restore balance, pushing yourself will only add to the blockage. {Recommended poses: Cobra, Cow, Fish, Locust, Sphinx and Upward Facing Dog}



Breath Work {Belly Breathing}

Practicing a deep breathing technique daily may also help to unblock your Heart Chakra. Breath should circulate all the way down to your Root Chakra (tailbone). Many only receive fresh oxygen to the base of the Heart Chakra, where it is then immediately blocked by the diaphragm. I like to refer to this short breath as chest breathing. By breathing only into your chest, oxygen is unable to flow freely throughout the entire body, causing many of the Chakras to become imbalanced. Instead, practice taking deep and relaxing breaths in through the nose, then imagine sending the breath all the way down to the Root Chakra. Feel your belly rise and feel fresh oxygen flow throughout your torso. Pause for a brief moment at the top of your inhale, then gently release the breath back up through your Chakras, exhaling through your mouth. Yes, your belly should rise on the inhale and fall on the exhale {if this exercise is difficult for you, you are likely a chest breather}. It might take some to get used to your new breath work, but stick with it, and guaranteed — you {and your Chakras} will feel the benefits almost immediately. So give it a chance, take a deep breath, and let’s unblock those Chakras!



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