The 5th Annual Hoboken Wellness Crawl is almost here. First things first: You need tickets. And once you have those, the fun begins. You’ll walk around town, get freebies and enter giveaways galore, and of course — play in our (optional) Hoboken Wellness Crawl Scavenger Hunt, which is just a fun extra part of the day, if you want to play. If you don’t, no biggie — just walk around the area at your leisure with your map and enjoy all the freebies (103, to be exact).
The 5th Annual Hoboken Wellness Crawl is happening THIS Sunday, September 19th — and besides over 100 giveaways + 100 freebies from EACH business, we’re hosting our Wellness Crawl Scavenger Hunt — with a serious bunch of prizes — which is in addition to all of the giveaways and freebies at each stop.
See below for all the info (and get your tickets here, if you haven’t already!).
Scavenger Hunt Prizes Include (3 winners):
GRAND PRIZE – 1st Place
- 1 Complimentary night in a king accommodation with breakfast for two (valid for 1 year) at Canopy Jersey City Arts District Hotel
- Gift Card to 1 of the participating vendors of your choosing
- VIP Bag (or extra VIP bag, if you’re already a VIP)
- Bottle of Pompette – Sparkling Hard Water
- Wellness Crawl T-Shirt and a Hoboken Girl Tote
- Free VIP Ticket to next year’s crawl
- VIP Bag (or extra VIP bag, if you’re already a VIP)
- Gift Card to 1 of the participating vendors of your choosing
- Bottle of Pompette – Sparkling Hard Water
- Wellness Crawl T-Shirt and a Hoboken Girl Tote
- Additional Beauty + Wellness Goodies
- VIP Bag (or extra VIP bag, if you’re already a VIP)
- Gift Card to 1 of the participating vendors of your choosing
- Bottle of Pompette – Sparkling Hard Water
- Wellness Crawl T-Shirt and a Hoboken Girl Tote
Here’s how the scavenger hunt works/how to enter:
- Complete 12 out of 18 of the tasks below on Hoboken Wellness Crawl Day between 11-4PM
- Post at least a 3 of the pictures or videos from scavenger hunt on your story, tagging @theHobokenGirl and @HobokenWellnessCrawl + post at least *1* photo or boomerang on your feed. Make sure to save/document all the photos and videos for submission.
- Send your IG handle and the screenshots of photos/videos that qualify you (must be 12 out of 18} to [email protected] to enter by Sunday at 11:59PM (so four hours after the crawl ends so you have time to recover and can enjoy the day). Can be sent directly via email or a link (viewable) of a Google Drive with all images.
- The 1st person to submit — correctly might we add — 12 out of 18 scavenger hunt will win the grand prize. 2nd + 3rd prizes will be awarded in order of submissions as well.
Scavenger Hunt: (you must keep proof of these on your phone and show at the end of the day/email to our team [and are welcome to post on social])
- Find an owner of a Wellness Stop business and take a photo with them
- Follow our sponsors on Instagram (check @hobokenwellnesscrawl for all 8 handles)
- Head to the check-in spot you DIDN’T check in to and take a photo with vendors
- Boomerang at 3 fitness stops, doing jumping jacks outside
- Explore the Monroe Center post an image on your stories tagging the businesses you visited there (8 participants, must visit at least 4)
- Madison, Jackson, Marshall Street: Travel to at least 3 of the 7 businesses on these streets + document it
- Make a friend on the crawl (they must also have a ticket) and take a photo with them, showing off your bracelets
- Visit 2 dentist offices on the map and take a photo at each
- Take a video walking up the stairs at 1012 Grand St (Play Hoboken!) + visit the vendors inside
- Snap a photo at three of the Wellness Crawl sponsors’ stops (found on crawl flyer)
- Stop by a physical therapy office and take a photo doing a stretch in the office
- Be a foodie influencer and share a photo of your food or beverage samples on IG
- Make a purchase at your favorite wellness stop + share your purchase on IG Stories tagging the vendor + the @hobokenwellnesscrawl handle
- Visit a mental health practice and record a video of the office
- Try acupuncture: 2 of the vendors are offering free ear treatments — take a pic at least 1 of them!
- Find a Hoboken Wellness Crawl VIP and take picture of them (they’ll have a white bag with black writing that says ‘Hoboken Wellness Crawl’)
- Go to the 3 businesses with your first, middle, and last initials (if one is not available, go to a business on Grand Street that you haven’t been to — ex: JLC goes to a business that starts with J, then L, then C. If there are no vendors with a business starting with “C,” you’d go to a business on the map on Grand street)
- Head to our virtual vendors on the crawl website and email at least 2 to cash in on freebie (screenshot proof)
Follow all VIP bag handles (below!):
AeroFarms @aerofarms
Athleta @athleta
Attain Medspa @attainmedspa
Blooming Lotus Jewelry @bloominglotusjewelry
Carepoint Health: Hoboken University Medical Center @carepointhealth
Cooking w/ Julie @cookingwjulie
Deka Lash @dekalashhoboken
Doody Free Girl @doodyfreegirl
EC Beauty Studio @ecbeautystudio_hoboken
Elevate Movement & Wellness @elevatepilates
Fourplay Social @fourplaysocial
Genesis Training @genesistrainingllc
Hudson Main @hudsonmainjc
Just Salad @justsalad
Kaló @drinkkalo
Kased Clothing @kased_clothing
Little Hoboken @littlehoboken
Love Sun Body @sunlovebody
Lukin Center for Psychotherapy @lukincenter
Mario Badescu @mariobadescu
Megan-Marie PT @meganmarie_pt
Mingle Mocktails @minglemocktails
NJ Acupuncture Center @njacupuncturecenter
Nurture Massage Studio
Pintpoint Wellness @drpinpoint
Play! Hoboken @playhoboken
Purely Inspired @purelyinspirednutrition
Pursue Physical Therapy & Performance Training @pursueptnow
ReWax and UnWine @rewaxandunwine
Rodan+Fields Independent Consultant, Gabrielle Herr @gabrielle119nyc
Runa @drinkruna
SERVPRO of Hoboken/Union City
Shopbathenvy @shopbathenvy
SoJo Spa Club @sojospaclub
The Co. – SHOP
The DRIP Fitness
The Green Room @thegreenroomnj
The Hair Room JC @thehairroomjc
VAI SWIM @vaiswim
Vibal Energy Tea @vibalenergytea
Vita Coco @vitacoco
Wax Cabin Candle @waxcabin
Make sure to share with us on your stories, and if you haven’t gotten tickets yet — click here. See you Sunday, September 19th!