Home LifestyleHolidays 4 Cases of “Scrooging” + Why Holiday Break Ups Might Not Be Bad

4 Cases of “Scrooging” + Why Holiday Break Ups Might Not Be Bad

by Single Society
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Scrooging is a dating trend that inevitably rears its ugly head every holiday season. It makes an appearance right on schedule with the holidays. But what exactly is “Scrooging?”  Scrooging is the term used when a person breaks up with their significant other before Christmas…and it sucks.

Of course, getting your heart broken at any time of year really sucks. But there is something about the holiday season that dramatically increases the urge to curl up next to the fire and watch a sappy Hallmark movie or engage in the ubiquitous NYE make-out session, so getting dumped in the midst of these festivities can pour salt in the proverbial wound. 

But alas! No need to let your Grinch of an ex ruin your holiday cheer. Having the support of friends and family — and an excess of food and eggnog — can help ease the pain of heartbreak and jumpstart a new beginning. Plus, thanks to the woman behind The Single Society, we’ve rounded up a few unique + interesting cases of Scrooging that ultimately turned into something positive. Keep reading to discover a four awful {yet ultimately great} cases of Scrooging from a few local ladies.

scrooging holiday season

Megan’s Story

After dating Ryan for about four months I was excited to throw a Pinterest-worthy Christmas soiree for all my friends and finally make our couple’s debut for those who had yet to meet my new boyfriend and/or questioned his existence. The day before the party Ryan and I spent the entire day decorating the tree, baking cookies, and spending quality time together.

Ryan went home the morning of to get a change of clothes and freshen up for the party. An hour and a half into the party my friends had all arrived, but there was still no sight of my boyfriend. My anger turned to worry as the hours went on and people continued to question Ryan’s whereabouts. Several unanswered texts later my friend pointed out that he was tagged in a mutual friend’s Instagram story, and they were clearly out at another party. 

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It then became evident that he had blocked me on all social media forums. 

Finally, I received a response to my texts. 

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“Hey. I’m sure you know by now that this just isn’t working for me. I am really sorry, but I hope the party was fun,” his text read. 

It was the most classless and selfish move I have ever experienced and there is no way in hell I would want to spend my life with someone who is capable of being intimate with me multiple times knowing that he was going to not only dump me hours later but to also have to figure it out from Instagram in front of my friends. 

Having a few days off work, my friends to rally around me, and multiple holiday parties to attend, was essential for healing my healing process. As it turns out Ryan did me a favor because I met my future husband at an NYE party that year. 

See More: A Bad Date in the West Village: Bot Sh*t Crazy

Katherine’s Story

I had been dating Craig for about five months. We had yet to discuss labels but spent essentially every night together by the time December rolled around. I had already planned to spend Christmas with my family in London, so we decided to have our own celebration a week before. I left work early to spruce up my apartment and wrap his brand new iPad he had been constantly hinting about, as well as some other sentimental gifts. 

Craig showed up and was acting noticeably distant. I chalked it up to a busy day at work, and we sat down to open presents. Not long after he opened his gifts he dropped the bomb that he no longer had feelings for me. Craig still wanted me to have something to open on our “special” night so he handed me a crinkled gift bag with a coffee mug {I don’t drink coffee} and a small teddy bear inside. 

I told him he could keep his mug/teddy bear, and I would be keeping {and returning} his iPad. Craig’s compassionate demeanor changed instantly as he claimed it was already given to him so, taking his gifts back wasn’t an option. 

I told him he could f**k off. 

Looking back on this situation and our relationship as a whole I finally saw that Craig was a cheap and greedy person, and it took his literal “parting gift” to make me realize that I deserved so much more. Bullet dodged — the real holiday gift this year. 

Carly’s Story

Lindsay and I were together for the better part of a year when she completely broke my heart just in time for Christmas. I had come out to my immediate family five years prior, but this Christmas I was bringing home a serious girlfriend for the first time.

I bought tickets for Lindsay and I to fly down to my parents’ house the day before Christmas Eve. We decided to meet at the airport the following morning as Lindsay had to work late the previous day. 

I arrived at the airport and Lindsay was nowhere to be found. Since her phone was clearly off I figured perhaps it died or something else had happened to it, so I decided to go through security and wait for her at the gate. 

Lindsay never showed. As I landed I got a text from her saying that she hopes I have a great Christmas, but she decided she no longer wanted to be serious with me.

My parents picked me up at the airport anxious to meet my girlfriend, and I had to break the news to them that I had just been dumped via text.

The silver lining to being broken up with before Christmas was that the unwavering support my family showed me in the face of this devastating breakup brought us even closer together. 

Early in the New Year Lindsay contacted me again wanting to see me, but I had already moved on. 

Read More: The Tongue Trip: A Bad Date at Porta

Jessica’s Story

Eric and I got pretty serious soon after we first met and were dating for six months when the holiday season arrived. Thinking Eric was the one, I wanted to splurge on a nice watch for him.

We had plans to fly out of state to spend Christmas with his family {much to my family’s dismay} but wanted to have our own intimate Christmas together as well.

We made dinner reservations one night, and after I was going to take him to see his favorite comedian as a surprise. We had a wonderful evening then returned to my apartment. He said he left the gift he bought me at his place because he didn’t want to carry it around all night, but I was much too anxious for him to open his gift.

The next few days Eric was unresponsive via text and didn’t seem too keen on spending time with me. I figured it was just work stress and looked forward to meeting his family. 

When I couldn’t get a hold of him the night before we were supposed to leave {December 23rd}, I needed answers. I showed up at his apartment around 11:00PM and demanded to know what was going on. Sure enough, Eric told me that he thought I was a great person but didn’t see a future together.

After crying my eyes out in the cab ride home I spent several hours on the phone with the airline trying to change my flight to visit my family instead — which was going to cost me thousands of dollars that I didn’t have. 

The next day my best friend {who doesn’t celebrate Christmas} pulled up in her car to make the 10-hour road trip with me so I could be with my family for Christmas. Eric may have heartlessly discarded me, but it allowed me to see what a ride or die person my best friend really is.

I am now married to a man who is entirely too kind to treat someone so poorly. I am extremely grateful that Eric showed his true colors before I wasted a Christmas on him — no matter how little notice I received {although it would have been nice to know before I bought the watch}.

If you are going through a breakup during the holiday season you are definitely not alone. Your Scrooging ex may have put a damper on this special time, but like these women, they probably did you a favor. So chin up, put on that party dress and raise a glass to everything you have to be thankful for!

What have you learned from a holiday break up? Let us know in the comments! 

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