Home Events + News Here’s the Current List of {Hoboken} Bars That are Participating in Anti-Sexual Assault Training

Here’s the Current List of {Hoboken} Bars That are Participating in Anti-Sexual Assault Training

by Jennifer Tripucka
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If we’re putting the facts straight out there, when it comes to statistics, 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men in our society have been sexually assaulted or raped at some point in their lives — and approximately half of all sexual assault perpetrators are under the influence of alcohol at the time of the assault. Alcohol is the #1 date rape drug, and about 1/2 of all sexual perpetrators are under the influence of alcohol at the time.

In Hoboken, there are over 80 establishments that serve alcohol in a square mile radius and over 60,000 residents, with about a 50/50 split of men and women — many of whom are frequenting the bars. Add to that number the amount of people who visit in town, and that’s a whole lot of people {and unfortunately potentially hazardous situations}.

While we know this is a lot of “bad news” dropped at once, it’s important to discuss and put into action how we can make Hoboken a safer city. Everyone has a responsibility to respond to sexual assault before, during or after the assault has been perpetrated. To do so, people need to be educated about what to look for and given the skills about how to respond.

Enter “Raising the Bar: Hoboken Bar-Bystander Training,” which was created to raise awareness of drug-facilitated sexual assaults and encourage community accountability. 



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The Chief Medical Officer Meika Roberson reached out to us about sharing this important community awareness and accountability program, and of course we felt the need to share all about it as it pertains to each and every person who enjoys a social life {or walks around town on a Friday/Saturday night}. Here’s a little more about how the program works:

Hoboken Raising the Bar: Hoboken is a Bar-Bystander training was created by Hudson SPEAKS, a local organization that provides comprehensive services to rape and sexual assault victims. In order to create safer spaces and encourage community accountability for the Hoboken residents, Hudson SPEAKS staff will conduct a training session for bartenders and bar owners, and other establishments that serve alcohol in Hoboken for the first Bar-Bystander training program in our area. Hudson SPEAKS will educate the participants {aka bartenders and other staff} on how they can help prevent Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA) and keep their patrons and our community safer. The use of so called “date rape drugs” continues to rise, and alcohol is the most commonly used substance in sexual assaults — so this is of utmost importance.

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“Raising the Bar: Hoboken is not victim shaming or bystander blaming; but rather a community training in the community in primary prevention of sexual assault,” Meika explained. During the training, participants [aka bartenders and the like] will learn myths and facts about drug facilitated sexual assault (DFSA), information about drugs that are commonly used, tips on how to help prevent DFSA, as well as warning signs and how to identify if someone has been drugged at the bar.

The program then also offers options for bartenders if they believe someone has been drugged as well as crucial tips to share with patrons on how to stay safe. The 90-minute training is free and the program is funded by a Rape Prevention and Education grant of CDC, which is awarded to Hudson SPEAKS of The CarePoint Health System.

So, how will you know a bar in Hoboken has “Raised the Bar” and participated in the training?

Bars with staff/bartenders who have undergone the training in its entirety [meaning all staff members] will receive a green dot sticker in their window. The “Green Dot” lets customers know that bar staff encourage respect of their patrons.

The first training went down December 9, and the second training is TBD, based on bar interest. For bartenders/owners to RSVP, call Anna at 201-418-1004.

Which bars have participated and are on their way to a green dot?

– Tally Ho

– Elysian Café

– Black Bear

– Hotel Victor

– The Shannon

– Havana

10th and Willow had a 100 percent attendance rate at its training session and is the first bar in Hoboken to achieve the Raise the Bar designation. 

-Leo’s Grandevous has completed training

-Onieals has completed training with 10 participants

Bravo to this list. Here’s to hoping that more bars quickly get on board. To do so, call Anna at 201-418-1004.

Next time you’re at your favorite bar, check for the green dot, and let the staff know about participating in the training! It’s free — and could truly save lives. “We will continue to host these sessions, and will go bar to bar if necessary to do so,” Meika shared. “It is important to make sure that together we create a safer city.”

Hudson S.P.E.A.K.S. Against Sexual Violence provides free and confidential services such as a 24-hour crisis hotline; 24-hour accompaniments to hospitals, courts, and law enforcement agencies; individual counseling for survivors and their significant others; group counseling for survivors and their significant others; recruitment and training of Rape Care Advocates who provide accompaniments to survivors; and community education on issues pertaining to sexual assault, such as awareness and risk reduction. For help in any capacity, please call 24/7 Hotline: 201-795-5757.


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