Home Culture An Intro to Tarot + Crystals Event {Happening May 16, 2018}

An Intro to Tarot + Crystals Event {Happening May 16, 2018}

by Shawn Engel
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When you think of tarot readings, you probably imagine an older woman handing you some creepy cards that determine your future {which doesn’t sound that appealing} that may or may not include death. Thankfully, our spiritual contributor, Shawn {who does tarot readings herself!} is breaking down the meaning of tarot so we can get a better understanding of it, and appreciate the art of it. Not only is she explaining it here, but Shawn will be co-hosting an event on May 16th at the Hoboken Girl office entitled, “An Intro to Tarot and Crystals” – with limited seating and availability. Get your tickets here, and read on to learn more about tarot reading {+ the event}:

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So, what exactly is Tarot?

Tarot basically gives you all the answers, coming from an objective third party that only has your best interest in mind — already sounds better, doesn’t it?

Tarot has gotten a bad rep over the years, with certain cards that seem scary — like ones with the devil, or death. People have thought the practice was of dark magick, and opened a portal that you never wanted to mess with.

The truth is, Tarot is a brilliant form of Divination, and all of the magick comes from the interpretation of the reader. Let’s be honest, it’s just a deck of cards with pictures on them — but when read correctly, the ancient meanings behind these cards can lend to an extremely enlightening experience.

The History of Tarot

Tarot has been around as a deck of playing cards for centuries, and has been a form of Divination, or “seeing into the future,” since the late 1700’s. Only recently, Witches have had their moment with being more fashionable or mainstream. Since the movie the Craft came out, my spirituality has been much more digestible to those who think Witchcraft was taboo or that Tarot was evil.

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How Taro Works

Tarot can help people evolve as a person who wants the best, and in doing so is unafraid of the tough work that goes on behind the scenes. When you pull a card in a reading, it always has a lighter side and a shadow, which enforces the fact that all parts of life are multi-faceted. Being able to navigate the world with a trusted advisor always makes you feel a bit better, but the cards will always tell it how it is. It takes a skilled reader to deliver the news, and a strong person to accept it as something they still have control over.

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You see, we all make choices in life. And the Tarot will show you both sides of the coin. If you choose one path versus the other, the Tarot will show you the possibilities you are up against, but it is still up to you to make decisions accordingly. Except now, you have a leg up, knowing what could be.

tarot reading hoboken girl

The Cards

The deck is made up of 78 cards, 22 being Major Arcana, and 56 being Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana tells a story, starting with The Fool, a naive young man with a thirst for adventure, and ends with The World, which represents the completion of a cycle. Over the course of the 22 cards, there are themes of strength, perseverance, death, rebirth, chaos, and abundance. It represents every phase of life as we know it, and then begins again.

The Minor Arcana is divided up into suits, much like playing cards. Each suit stands for an element, and that element, plus each cards associate number in numerology, dictates the meaning for that particular card. So if we’re looking at Pentacles, representing earthly possessions and abundance, and it’s the second card, 2’s representing union and peace, we can discern that this card depicts financial balance.

But aside from elements and numerology, the most notable part of each card is the imagery. When you read a card by using your intuition, you study the imagery and pick up on its energy. What is the symbolism behind each character? That’s where the talent comes in. And as there are hundreds of decks to choose from nowadays, you can find completely different readings in the same cards just based on the picture!

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So when a card is pulled to answer a question, the meaning behind that card will be more of a lesson than a definitive projection of the future. If I ask, “What do I need to do to be successful?” and I draw the Two of Pentacles, in a nutshell, I can say that I need to find a balance in how I spend money, how I perceive money, and how I use money as an energetic source.

When you learn the art of Tarot, you realize that it isn’t scary and that it is actually quite a beautiful practice. The more you know about something, the less fearful you have to be about it. All Tarot is an interpreted deck of playing cards. Hiring a trusted reader will help you to see the beauty in this art form, and picking up a deck yourself will help strengthen your intuition.

Hoboken Girl x Witchy Wisdoms Tarot Reading Event on May 16th:

hoboken girl tarot reading event

Come experience a tarot reading yourself at our event on May 16th at 94 River Street from 7-9PM. Shawn {the author of this article and our HG spiritual contributor} will be sharing about all things tarot and give an introduction to crystals, as well as answering all of your questions {+ possibly a mini reading!}. She will even have a small gift for each attendee. Grab your tickets here. Wine and light bites included!

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