On your wedding day, every bride knows it’s pretty important to be in good shape — not only because it’s great to feel beautiful and svelte in your dress and in pictures, but also because the night following the wedding + honeymoon you want to be in tip top shape…if you know what I’m sayin’. That’s where my trainer, Kristin, of

A real-life Hoboken bride {and her guns!}
Being that I’m an upcoming bride {next year}, I knew I had to get {a little more} serious about working out at some point soon {not really to lose weight, just to tone up}. Confession: I HATE CARDIO. Like, haaaate. It might be because I have a heart condition and don’t do well running long distances, or it’s just the fact that it’s borrrrring. I knew that had to change that mindset a bit as wearing a dress in a ton of photos gets nearer. So Kristin and I have started to work together a little more intensely {think: diet plan, workout schedule, etc} to get these coveted “wedding arms,” and she’s going to share a few tips on how to be a Fit Bride today:
Top 3 Tips to Transform into a Bridal Bombshell
1) Lift Heavy, Train Hard.
2) Eat Clean.
- – Lean proteins such as chicken, fish and other seafood and other protein-rich foods such as eggs and fat-free greek yogurt
- – Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, yams and oatmeal
- – Fibrous vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, leafy greens, cauliflower and kale
3) Cardio!
Advice from real life #Hoboken brides about training for your wedding:

Look at those guns!

Jeannine on her wedding day! Check out those guns ;-)
I started training in November 2013 for my wedding on March 29, 2014 – 2 strength sessions with Kristin a week and 3 days of cardio and/or light weight work in between. My goal was obviously to look good in my tight fitting mermaid dress, but I really wanted to focus on toning my upper body. My biggest hurdle was how to incorporate clean eating into my everyday life– and we constructed a diet plan to suite my lifestyle, which is very important. My go-to foods were protein shakes (as snacks) and egg white veggie omelettes (for breakfast or dinner). I favored low carb meals, and gave up all alcohol. Going heavier with weights and doing less reps [repetitions] also really made a huge difference in my upper body. It’s so important to change up your routine and shock your body which will help you drop pounds and gain muscle.
What are your tips for getting sexy wedding {or every day} arms?