Home LifestyleCareer The Hoboken Girl Founder Launches Program for Budding Media Entrepreneurs

The Hoboken Girl Founder Launches Program for Budding Media Entrepreneurs

by Hoboken Girl Team
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Our founder, Jen Tripucka, is launching a program for budding media entrepreneurs called Becoming The Local Girl: How to Create Your Own Online Media Business — and it’s launching Thursday, February 23rd.

 She’s giving a sneak peek into how she got started over a decade ago, how she grew a team, what it’s all about, and who the program is for. Click here to learn more, and read on for all about Jen’s road to starting The Hoboken Girl — from Jen herself.

You could say it was in my blood from an early age. When I was in 8th grade, I started a town-wide newspaper just for fun. My dad would drive me around, and I’d ask the local pizza shop and veterinarian to advertise — for a whopping $15 a page.

local girl course launch

^a little younger here, and probably should have been wearing a helmet but ‘twas the late ’80s after all

Fast-forward just about 10 years: I had just moved to Hoboken, NJ after grad school and wanted to explore the area and make new friends. (Fun fact: my grandparents owned a textile business in the area for years, but living there on my own was a new experience).

The Station Hoboken
Club Pilates 2023

I decided to chronicle my adventures, writing about all the fun happenings and local businesses while I worked full-time as a school counselor. 

Blogging started as just a side hobby combined with social media, and over the last 10 years, morphed into a full-scale media outlet — complete with 5 employees/editors, 15 freelancers, and a business we’ve scaled.

Zap Fitness

Read More: All About Jen’s Road to The Hoboken Girl 

While growing The Hoboken Girl, I left my school job to work as an editor/social media manager at Brides Magazine at Condé Nast (now Dot Dash) — and then took the leap to take my business full-time in 2017.

11 years later, I can proudly say I created two successful hyperlocal brands, The Hoboken Girl and The Montclair Girl, with an audience of millions — with no investors or major startup overhead! – and have grown to a team of 5 full-time employees who are just as passionate as I am about our mission + writers who live in and are a part of our hyperlocal communities.

But I always knew I’d return to education at some point, in some way.

jen local girl launch

Everything we cover — events, local news, lifestyle content, real estate, wellness — is all designed to make it feel like your best friend is giving you the full scoop on all the fun things going on in your area. We give back to the community, we amplify non-profits, we share resources. That’s what drives the true community vibe behind our brands.

Now, in 2023, I’m growing The Local Girl Media Group into a coaching and learning platform, where I’ll be able to help you create your own hyperlocal media platform wherever you are in the world — and monetize it.

If you’ve got even a bit of entrepreneurial spirit — or are curious about what it takes, you’re in the right place.

I’ve created a program that teaches you how to build a hyperlocal media community that is engaged, as well as a sustainable business that can be monetized — and not just through social media. 

the local girl media group jennifer tripucka

This course is for you if: 

  • You are interested in taking your hobby + fun social media account to monetization status or upping your game
  • You’re in the marketing or media world but want to go out and do something on your own
  • You want to approach building your business with a clear strategy – with a proven success record, and easy ways to implement strategies

Course enrollment launches this Thursday, February 23rd — and is only available for a few days, closing next Wednesday at 11:59PM.

enroll here button

The course is 100% geared toward laying the foundation, groundwork, and growth of your business and brand — and can be all at your own pace as it’s not a ‘live’ course where you have to be on zoom at a specific time. You can take from it what you need, and grow, grow, grow.

Not only will we cover a ton of ground over 6 weeks — but we’ll also have a full workbook, homework (no grades, don’t worry!), a glossary of examples, templates for you to utilize, and so much more. Imagine actually getting something out of your side hobby — that can help you create a new life, a new business, and create a community.

I’ve really put a ton of time, thought, and detail into every aspect of this as I really want it to be valuable for you. Basically packing in 10 years of growth, mistakes, and knowledge into this labor of love over, which I’ve been working on for the last six months with my team.

Enroll here (and use discount code HOBOKENGIRL for $200 off):


enroll here button

Have questions? Email our team at [email protected] for questions about the course, or to chat with Jen directly!

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