Home Events + News ‘Tis the Season: 12 Best Decked Windows on Washington

‘Tis the Season: 12 Best Decked Windows on Washington

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Sometimes you’ve got to stop… and watch the snow fall.


That’s exactly what I did during the mini snowfall last week {or as the weather men would say the “MAJ” Noreaster that we needed to stock up on a week’s worth a bread}. Either way, snowfall, while you may either love or hate the cold, is beautiful. After looking at the snow-covered Mulligan’s sign and noticing the old-school Hoboken sign above it, I decided to take a little walking tour the next day to see all of the holiday lights and get into the holiday spirit. The following is just that — a little photo essay of all of the holiday lights on Washington that were particularly eye-catching — and what better day to start than the beginning of the festival of lights {yes, I know wreaths aren’t Jewish decor, but still, lights are lights – this is coming from a half jew}. #YeahHanukkah


Here are my 12 favorite holiday light stops on my way down Washington {in no particular order}:


Hello Hydration Sidebar
The Station Hoboken

La Isla104 Washington

Nestled in downtown Hoboken in a cozy little comfort-food-serving spot, you'll feel extra comfy with this beautiful outdoor decor.

Nestled in downtown Hoboken in a cozy little comfort-food-serving spot, you’ll feel extra comfy with this beautiful outdoor decor + BYO-bubbly.

Zap Fitness

East LA – 508 Washington

Hoboken Girl east la

While you may not be chugging slushy margaritas this week, you can’t deny that East LA throws down when it comes to decking the halls.

Tally Ho – 215 Washington


A newer bar in town, not to be confused with the Lehigh bar – knows how to hang a wreath + hand out waterfall shots down the bar, that’s fo sho.

Charritos – Downtown – 121 Washington

Charritos hoboken girl

Make-your-own guac is extra festive this month… and yes, there are two Hoboken locations, but this one was extra cute {and right near La Isla where I took the pic!}.

Hoboken Bar & Grill – 230 Washington

Hoboken Bar & Grill Hoboken Girl

Sometimes simplicity in decor is all you need – just like Hoboken Bar & Grill toted for the holidays. Lookin good guys.


Amanda’s 908 Washington

The iconic Amanda's Hoboken sign has a beautiful "backsplash" of lights adorning its entrance. So pretty.

The iconic Amanda’s Hoboken sign has a beautiful “backsplash” of lights adorning its entrance. So pretty.


Elysian Cafe – 1001 Washington

Elysian Cafe

While Elysian usually lights up the night, it’s extra sparkly this time of year.


Schnackenberg’s Lunchonette – 1110 Washington

schnackenberg's hoboken girl

Normally one of my favorite window displays in general, with the holiday season in tow — it’s seriously a stunner. I just love the old-school inside + lit up decor.


Flo on Wheels – 1222 Washington

Flo on Wheels

While Flo On Wheels is a bike store uptown that I haven’t frequented often, I may just need to buy a bike after this awesome holiday window display!


Luna Rosa – 1218 Washington


Poinsettia garlands abound — luna rosa is bringing the holiday “rose” to uptown Hoboken. So beautiful!


Napoli’s – 1118 Washington


Napoli’s went the extra mile {well, sidewalk block} and lit up their tree, too!


Bin 14 – 1314 Washington

bin 14 hoboken

Even if you’re wine tipsy, you’re bound to see the beautiful lights that cover the outside of this uptown establishment. Nicely done!


While there are plenty more lights, these were a few of my absolute favorites…Macy’s got nothin’ on Hoboken!


What are your favorite spots for holiday light spotting? Merry Chrismukkah!

yoga renew hoboken

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