Home Events + News ‘Tis the Season: Holiday Charity Guide to Hoboken

‘Tis the Season: Holiday Charity Guide to Hoboken

by Jennifer Tripucka
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December is the month of cold weather, hot cocoa, online shopping, and–most of all–giving. Between giving gifts and contributing to charities, there’s something about the holiday season makes me want to donate clothes or toys and contribute money to a great charity. If you’re looking to make a difference in someone’s holiday by giving a little bit to those who need it most, we’ve compiled a list of a few charity events and organizations that are on the horizon to make seasons bright. {Plus, Santa needs some help dispersing his sack of presents…}

You're totally welcome to wear your ugly Christmas sweater to any of these events ;)

You’re totally welcome to wear your ugly Christmas sweater to any of these events ;) – courtesy of City Discount

Santa is Coming to Bellie & Katrina {Hoboken Family Alliance}

Because you were going to get those santa pictures anyway :)

Because you were going to get those santa pictures anyway :)

On Saturday, December 13th at 12-4PM at Bellie & Katrina, bring your little one to get a picture with Santa for a good cause! A $10 donation for the picture will go towards the Hoboken Family Alliance toy drive. Cookies will be provided, with special store promos also making seasons bright! Also get the chance to win a giveaway!

Hoboken Mommies {Hoboken Family Alliance}

The Station Hoboken
Club Pilates 2023

mommies 247 holiday

Caroling for a Cause {for Liberty Humane Society}

Zap Fitness

Students from Learning Community Charter School in Jersey City and singers from Hoboken’s Cantigas Women’s Choir will sing Christmas carols at the Grove Street PATH station at 5:30 on Tuesday, December 16 to raise money for Liberty Humane Society!

Dress in festive sweaters, hats, and accessories to get in the holiday spirit! In the past 2 years, the event has raised over $500 for Liberty Humane Society. Give the gift of a better environment for animals in need!

hMAG Mixer & Toy Drive {for Hoboken Boys & Girls Club}

This toy drive sponsored by Miller Lite and Cusquena will give a free drink and raffle in exchange for a toy for kids in need. The event is free with free appetizers and drink specials 7-9PM. The event is Wednesday, December 17 at 7-11PM at Brasserie de Paris. Featuring live music by Allison Strong, a former Hoboken Girl of the Week!

Secret Santa {Liberty Humane Society}

secret santa LHS

Santa gave us the heads up that all of the dogs and cats at Liberty Humane Society are on this year’s NICE list! You can reward them for their good behavior and make their holiday season a little brighter by being a Secret Santa and purchasing a gift for them- and we’ve asked Santa to make sure these gifts are more than fun and games. Items like collars and travel crates will help them find their forever homes!


To donate, select from the following options:
Rudolph’s Stocking ($20 each)
Dogs– Bully stick, Leash, Collar, Personalized Engraved Tag!
Cats– Scratchers, Toys, Jingle Collars and More!
Santa’s Special Gift ($100 for dogs and $50 for cats)
Dogs– Everything in Rudolph’s Stocking PLUS a Large Size Crate for Adoption Events and Travel
Cats– Everythingh in Rudolph’s Stocking PLUS help us build Custom Cat Furniture in our new Free Roaming Cat Room!


New Year’s Run {for Wounded Warrior Project}

To start the new year off right

To start the new year off right

On Saturday, January 3, meet at Pier A Park for a 1-mile fun run at 9:30AM and a 5K at 10AM with proceeds going to the Wounded Warrior Project. Free hot cocoa will be provided! Get tickets here.

A few other ways to give back this season {in Hoboken}:

Good Counsel, located at 411 Clinton Street

  • – This organization benefits mothers in a crisis pregnancy as well as their children, preparing them to live independently.
    www.goodcounselhomes.org and is in need of diapers and wipes.

Hoboken Shelter, located at 300 Bloomfield Street

  • – This organization benefits homeless adult men and women and helps them develop skills needed to gain employment, achieve independence, and self-sustain. They are in need of travel-size toiletries, men’s casual clothing, men’s socks, gloves, scarves, men’s underwear and belts, disposable plates, utensils, cups & napkins, garbage bags, toilet paper, paper towels, dish detergent and laundry detergent. Email [email protected] or via phone to arrange a drop-off.

Jubilee Center, located at 601 Jackson Street

  • -This organization is sponsored by the All Saints Community Service & Development Corporation. It provides afterschool homework support to children in Hoboken’s public housing. They are in need of volunteers to help with homework 3:30-4:30 pm (Monday-Thursday), enrichment activities 4:30-5:30 pm (Monday-Thursday), tutoring from 6:00-7:00 pm (Monday-Thursday) and other special events. Contact Linda Simpson at [email protected] or call 201-792-0342.

St. Mary Hospital Thrift Shop, located at 536 Garden Street

This organization benefits St. Mary Hospital, and they are in need of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, shoes and accessories; books and toys; small household items. Call or stop by during business hours {12-5pm Thurs-Sun} to drop-off donations.

‘Tis the Season to be giving for no reason! xo

Aspen Prime

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