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Top {#Hoboken} Photos of the Week

by Genna
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Heading back to work after a weekend trapped by snow {and cabin-fever at it’s finest}, we think the currently sunny – and decently warm – weekend is well-deserved for all! This years Winter season may have started out doubtful and lacking compared to last year; but fear not, our recent ‘boken blizzard brought it’s A-game {including lots of fabulous photography} to share with you our round-up of weekly #Hoboken favorites:


– photo by @llanehernandez –

This calm {after} the storm looks pleasant; no matter how treacherous the un-shovelved sidewalks may still have been for our locals…


– photo by @mmoreno73 –

Club Pilates 2023
The Station Hoboken

Remnants of the super-storm are visible down this alleyway {and beyond} and we adore the ambiance of this quiet setting in our bustling mile-square city.


Zap Fitness

– photo by @alcidezx3 –

Into the thick of it {if you will}, this is a true scene out of our ultimate #Snowboken weekend. Even though we may have not been able to see the street lines; these folks went out seeking a frozen adventure while many adored the scene of white powder from the window.


photo by @daylynanna

We won’t blame this {modern day} Elsa; but we do love how much Frozen fun she is having with this weather!


photo by @mangelka

These folks have the right idea: who really needs {the headaches of} NJ transportation when you have two legs and your trusty ski gear?


– photo by @pammyp –

Not all of us have seen this much snow before; just look at this pooch questioning the inches {26 to be exact} of fluffy goodness.


– photo by @cmg4623 –

A beautiful capture in the midst of the downfall, we’re freezing just looking at this!


– photo by @alxndria –

The blue sky and vibrant colors make this artistic POV one for the books {and our top-pick list}.


– photo by @stevehen –

We’re impressed by the lengths some people go to for a good shot; including this post-blizzard B&W aftermath winner.


– photo by @joeaaronm –

This is how we felt going back to work on a post-blizzard Monday {cursing Mother Nature for not having a weekday work-cancelling calamity} but maybe she will pleasantly surprise us in the coming month… winter is here, and we don’t mind getting to enjoy all of these amazing outdoor pictures from the warm and cozy indoors!

Don’t forget to hashtag #Hoboken and tag @hobokengirlblog on Instagram, and your artistic eye for beauty could be featured in our next photo round-up!

Until next week,


Be sure to check out last week’s top blizzard photos, too!


Aspen Prime

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