Venus, the planet that rules pleasure, luxury, and love, will retrograde in the spooky sign of Scorpio on October 5th until going directly in Libra on November 16th. But what does it all mean? Our spiritual contributor, Shawn of Witchy Wisdoms, is sharing everything you need to know about Scorpio season:
When Mercury retrogrades, which we are all familiar with, we experience messy conversations, faulty technology, and exes re-appearing out of nowhere. This is due to Mercury ruling day to day expression and communication — so when it appears as though it’s moving backward from our place on earth {the meaning of retrograde} things concerning correspondence go awry. And because of this challenging period, it’s wise to wait and reflect on big conversations, back-up all of our work, and take it nice and slow.
Applying this knowledge to Venus, our sexy, chill, love planet, we can assume that matters of the heart and wallet will be under fire. Because the retrograde period is occurring in the deep and mysterious sign of Scorpio, we can expect that big questions around our relationships will come out of the shadows.
Venus wants us to make money and make love, all while eating the best foods and sleeping on satin sheets. She’s a luxurious planet at its purest form. However, since retrograde periods are usually a time to reflect and dig deep, and Scorpio will encourage this, it’s time to start asking the big questions in terms of your financial, emotional, and platonic relationships.
READ: The Phases of the Moon, Explained
What are your goals and who is helping you fulfill them? Are you on the right track or simply wasting time under the guise of having fun? What do you REALLY want? The Venus in Scorpio retrograde period will force you to ask this questions. For some people, this will be messy and devastating. For others, it will be enlightening. For all, it will be the movement necessary for us to get really real with ourselves.
It’s not all scary though — Scorpio is a highly sexy sign, so if the answers to your questions are supported by your truth and your current direction, you may be closer to your partner in ways that are out of this world. Scorpio gives intimacy a whole new meaning, so allow yourself to get close when it’s absolutely right.
During this transit, remember self-care. Break out that journal and don’t be afraid to dive deep. Honor your heart and know that ultimately, you’ll be supported towards your destiny.
Comment below if you’re a Scorpio!