Home Events + News Hoboken Girl Helps EVENT: The Women Rising Children’s Room {Jersey City}

Hoboken Girl Helps EVENT: The Women Rising Children’s Room {Jersey City}

by Tamara
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We kicked off February with the announcement that we were going to be starting a volunteer organization called “Hoboken Girl Helps” — and it’s finally time to announce our first volunteer and fundraising event! 


We are hosting our inaugural volunteering event at Women Rising {a local Jersey City organization serving women and their families} on Saturday, February 25th from 12pm-4pm! We will be making over the children’s room. There are a limited # of volunteer spots — click here to sign up to volunteer {or to donate if you can’t make it}.


^Children’s room at Women Rising in need of a little TLC <3

The “donation ticket” is for those who aren’t able attend but would like to support the cause with their generosity.

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Here is a list of items needed to help makeover the room that we will be purchasing with said donations:

$500 Rug/Decor

Zap Fitness

$400 Games

$250 Paint Supplies

$350 Books

ANY amount donated is greatly appreciated so that we can spruce up the room and give back to the shelter. Any money left over will be donated in full to the shelter for their women’s services. We will provide a full list of names of those who have helped us with this project in a recap post and share all of the supplies/things that we purchased on social media {@hobokengirlblog}.

Please click here to make a donation or sign up to volunteer!

We are also accepting gently-used {no stuffed animals} books and games and new toys — which can be donated at our drop-off location at CSBK {1470 Garden Street}.

Supply Drop-Off Location #1: 1470 Garden Street {CSBK}


For those with toys/games/books {any ages} that they would like to donate, bring them to 1470 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030.

Supply Drop-Off Location #2: 408 6th Street {Aaraa Accessories}


For those with toys/games/books {any ages} that they would like to donate, bring them to Aaraa at 408 6th Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030.

Please email [email protected] if you have any other questions or would like to help in any way!

About Women Rising:

Women Rising is an amazing local non-profit organization which has been a lifeline to women and families in need of financial assistance and emotional support {due to being victims of domestic violence} for over 100 years. On May 11, 2016, the organization celebrated 111 years of dedicated service to local families in need of a helping hand.  Many families and victims of domestic abuse living in the Hudson County region have found success while using the resources provided by the local organization. 

Since 1911, the Board of Trustees—a group primarily led by women—began to provide women and their families with access to helpful services. Some of the successful programs offered by the organization are the Domestic Violence Program, the Family Advocacy Program (FAP), and Family Support Services (FSS).

The Domestic Violence Program as part of Women Rising has been providing victims of violence—specifically women and children—with direct access to a 24-hour hotline service {available seven days a week}. In addition to the domestic violence hotline which has been in place for over 30 years, the program has continued to offer victims counseling, assistance with legal issues like custody, access to support groups, and a series of other helpful services.

The FAP and FSS are examples of family service programs that equip women and their at-risk children with guidance and social support. For example, the FAP serves families that are in crisis by providing them with counselors who work closely with each family member to enforce improved behavior and communication skills. FSS, on the other hand, is a short-term service that focuses on helping families and individuals create positive goals for the future.  

Interested in assisting the organization in its effort to better the lives of local women and children but can’t make the event? Residents can also find flexible volunteer opportunities on the charity’s website. Future volunteers can dedicate their time to the charity by filling out a simple online form.

Dedicating your time to this nonprofit will result in better lives for the women and children of Hudson County who are striving to achieve a better life. In 2015 and 2016, volunteers, counselors, and other staff members have successfully helped their clients gain access to jobs, educational opportunities, and affordable housing.

If you’d like to gain more information about this wonderful organization or other volunteering opportunities, you can visit their website at www.womesrising.org or call at (201)-333-5700.

Click here to donate to our cause + sign up to volunteer next Saturday!

Stay tuned for the next #HobokenGirlHelps project coming soon…

…{and if you have any ideas for a group volunteer effort that is needed in Hudson County, please email [email protected]}. xo

Aspen Prime

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