Home Best of Guides Where to Buy a Bicycle in Hoboken + Jersey City

Where to Buy a Bicycle in Hoboken + Jersey City

by Nicole Gittleman
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Even though there may still be pesky mounds of remaining snow dotted throughout the streets of Hoboken and Jersey City, spring is flirting just around the corner. The mini icebergs will soon melt, the temps will rise again and the streets will be filled with happier campers. With fewer people taking public transit and saying “no thanks” to ride-sharing due to COVID-19 concerns, we’re anticipating bikes to rule the roads of Hoboken and Jersey City this spring and summer. Coincidentally, bikes have been a hot topic in Hudson County recently. 

On March 3rd, Jersey City and Hoboken City Councils came to an agreement that would officially merge the two cities’ bike-share programs. Hoboken, who previously used Jersey Bike Share, will slowly adopt Citi Bike – the sole program Jersey City has historically used to offer its residents access to bikes. With the merge, locals will be able to commute by bike between Jersey City and Hoboken seamlessly versus needing to switch it up before riding by the Holland Tunnel. Read on for a list of bike shops in Hoboken + Jersey City.

where to buy a bicycle hoboken jersey city

Citi Bike is a great option if you’re not an avid bike rider and don’t have any space to house a bike. But, it might be time to get wheels of your own if you’re relying heavily on the shared bike program, don’t love the cost of Citi Bike, or if you’re looking to take a bike beyond Hudson County periodically. 

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While you can certainly find one on one line or at a big box retail store, we highly recommend buying a bicycle from one of these local bike shops in Hoboken and Jersey City. Many of the businesses below have been selling, repairing, and servicing bicycles in their neighborhoods for decades, making them qualified experts. 

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Hoboken Bike Shops 

Flo on Wheels {1222 Washington Street}

Flo on Wheels may not have a website or Instagram, but this bike shop that’s been in business for 30+ years doesn’t need to be digital to prove its worth. Locals adore this shop for its personality and premium customer service. Flo on Wheels both sells and repairs bikes. 

Von Hof Cycles {1012 Grand Street}

Von Hof Cycles isn’t just a bicycle shop, they’re a bike manufacturer right in Hoboken! The brand designs and builds 3 different styles of the bicycle – road bike, cross bike, and a mountain bike – all available out of its warehouse in Hoboken. The bikes are sold at a few other shops in the tri-state area, too. Follow @vonhofcycles on Instagram. 

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Jersey City Bike Shops

Jersey City Bicycle Co {687 Montgomery Street + 29 McWilliams Place}

jersey city bicycle company

Jersey City Bicycle Co has been in business since 2017. They are known for having knowledgeable associates and fantastic customer service, in addition to a wide variety of options. While the McGinley Square location is the OG space, Jersey City Bicycle Co also has a shop at Hamilton Park. The owner Chris has become an avid bike rider and aficionado since 2000 when he first rode his own set of wheels and fell in love with the craft. Follow the shop on Instagram @jcbicycleco for bike inspiration and info. 

Jersey Cycles {510 Central Avenue}

If you’re looking for a bike shop in the Heights, Jersey Cycles is for you. This bicycle store has all the answers to your bike questions. According to the Facebook page, the absolute best way to get those answers if you’re unable to stop by is to call the shop at 201-763-7133.

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Grove Street Bicycles {172 Christopher Columbus Drive}

All bicycles purchased from Grove Street Bicycles come fully assembled with a lifetime of free service, which includes basic brake and gear adjustments, lubrication of pivot points, and safety check to the original owner. From mountain bikes, hybrids, road bikes, BMX, kids bikes, cruisers, and comfort bikes this shop has you covered. There’s a great selection of parts and accessories as well as an extensive selection of apparel and shoes to suit all of your cycling needs. If the shop doesn’t have what you’re looking for in the shop that day, it can special order items for you which we usually receive in 2-3 business days.

The Bike Hub {191 Monticello Avenue}

The Bike Hub is a full-service bike shop and repair store located in McGinley Square. In addition to helping you up to your bike game via the shop and servicing, The Bike Hub also offers bike tutoring and lessons for those learning to ride. Follow @thebikehubjc on Instagram for updates on the events and more. 

The RIVETT Bikes {123 Town Square Place} 

Located in Newport, RIVETT Bikes sells and repairs custom-made gas and electric bicycles. The prices start at $700 and the bikes get you going faster than you would with leg power alone. Follow @the_rivett_bikes on Instagram if you’ve got a need for speed {or cool bikes, really}. 


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