Home Events + News Who is Hoboken’s Best Dressed Flapper?

Who is Hoboken’s Best Dressed Flapper?

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Almost had you there. Either way the question is asked, it’s a toughie. 18 businesses in Hoboken have taken life-sized wooden flappers and made them into their own, decorated with anything from pages of a book to feathers to kittens and puppies. It’s quite a sight to see. And if you’ve been hanging around town lately, chances are you might have seen some of these flappers at these locales. So, break out your feathers and pearls for the Hoboken Museum’s 2014 annual gala, A Swingin’ Speakeasy, a trip back to the Roaring 20s, on March 22, at the Elks Lodge, 1005 Washington St. The event is a fundraiser for the museum and its next exhibit, “Port of Entry to a Continent,” focusing on Hoboken’s role in U.S. immigration during the peak years from 1892 – 1924, opening August 3rd.

Swingin Speakeasy

For more information on the event, visit www.HobokenMuseum.org

During the event, besides food, open bar, and music, there will be a live auction boasting lots of fun travel packages, entertainment tickets & more — all funds going to fund the Museum’s great programs.

Says Melissa, the volunteer coordinator [about the event’s fundraising],

We were bowled away last year by the outpouring of support at the live auction for our Superstorm Sandy exhibit, so we’re repeating that for our next exhibit at the Speakeasy, raising funds for our Immigration exhibit.

Now, without further ado, here are some of the flapper contestants…
AaRaa, 408 6th Street:

sojo spa
Hello Hydration Sidebar

flapper aaraa

Big Fun Toys, 602 Washington Street:

Zap Fitness

flapper big fun toys

Cornerstone Pets, 105 Ninth Street:

flapper cornerstone pets


Hoboken Wellness Spa, 450 7th Street, #7a:

flapper wellness spa

Luna Rosa Home, 1218 Washington Street:

flapper luna rosa home

New Jersey Running Company, 127 Washington Street:

flapper nj running company

Poor Cat Designs, 716 Washington Street:

flapper poor cat design

Studio Twelve Hair Designers, 534 Garden Street:

flapper studio 12


Symposia Bookstore, 510 Washington Street:

Flapper symposia

This flapper is made from pages of a book. Clever!


Zumba Nation by Alicia, 720 Monroe Street:

flapper zumbanation

We know Alicia’s flapper is ready for dancing!


Some of the flappers are not pictured, but the businesses where you can see even more speakeasy fun:

Prime Real Estate Group, 98 Park Street

Right Angle, 1108 Washington Street

Tresorie, 1204 Washington Street

Swift-Morris Interiors, 1208 Washington Street

16 Handles, 1185 Maxwell Place

Ali Baba Restaurant, 912 Washington Street

Amanda’s Restaurant, 908 Washington Street

Hollydae Inc., 1200 Washington Street


So…the big question: Which is your favorite?

If you know anything about HG {and @PierreCasson on Instagram}, you probably have an idea of which one is our favorite…


About the Hoboken Historical Museum

Founded 1986, the Museum’s mission is to educate the public about Hoboken’s history, diverse culture, architecture and historic landmarks. In 2001, the Museum moved into one of the oldest buildings on the waterfront, in the former Bethlehem Steel shipyard, at 1301 Hudson St., Hoboken, where it maintains a series of rotating exhibits. The Museum is open six days a week, 2 – 7 pm on Tues. – Thurs., 1 – 5 pm on Fridays, and noon – 5 pm on weekends. It offers special exhibits, tours, events and lectures, as well as educational programs for adults and children on a weekly basis. An updated schedule of events and an online catalog of many items in its collections are available at www.hobokenmuseum.org. The Museum is a nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)3 entity.


Aspen Prime

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