Home COVID-19 Locals Working From Home Share Adorable Pics of Their Fluffy Co-Workers

Locals Working From Home Share Adorable Pics of Their Fluffy Co-Workers

by Arielle Witter
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It’s no secret that we are living in challenging times as of the past week or so — Hoboken and Jersey City have confirmed cases of  COVID-19 and many companies have encouraged or required employees to work from home in response to growing concerns about the virus. Now, it can get lonely working from home — it’s you, your laptop, and maybe the faint sound of the TV or a podcast in the background. But fear not, as many of us do have one little co-worker we can still count on {and maybe snuggle with} — our pets!

To start a new, uplifting series on HobokenGirl.com, we reached out to our readers in our Facebook group to share some of their furry, four-legged coworkers keeping them company during these trying times. Meet some of the pets {and check back every Monday for some new furry faces — please submit your pets to [email protected]}:

pets working from home hoboken jersey city

Katriāna + Belle

katriana belle working from home

“My cat Belle’s favorite spot while I work in the office,” writes Katrianā.

Jenna + Winston

winston dog working from home

The Station Hoboken
Hello Hydration Sidebar

“This is Winston. Winston tries to sit on my lap while I’m working, which obviously makes things very difficult. So I got him his own chair in hopes that that’ll satisfy his need to be 2 inches from me at all times,” Jenna shares.

Rachel, Max, + Murphy

max murphy dogs working from home

Zap Fitness

“I may be home working hard but Max and Murphy surely are not 🤪,” says Rachel.

Ar Jay Bee + Bubba

bubba pets working from home

“This is Bubba! He even goes to work with me sometimes,” says Ar Jay Bee.

See More: Top 5 Tips for New Dog Owners

Tiffany + Dolly

dolly pets working from home

“‘Working is ruff! You do this every day? – Dolly,” writes Tiffany.

Nicolette + Luna

luna pets working from home

“This is Luna😚 She pretty much sleeps all day,” says Nicolette.

Erica + Olive

olive pets working from home

“Olive loves when her parents work from home ❣️,” explains Erica.

Christina + Pancakes

pancakes bunny working from home

“My bunny Pancakes taking minutes for me during my conference calls,” notes Christina.

Kim + Ollie

ollie pets working from home

“This is Ollie sleeping on the job 😊,” says Kim.

Ari + Cooper

cooper dog working from home

“‘When’s our lunch break?’ – Cooper,” says Ari.

Jacquelyn + Brody

brody pets working from home

“Brody isn’t impressed with the non-stop conference calls,” laughs Jacquelyn.

Jeanine + Rylee

rylee pets working from home

“This is Rylee. No computers were harmed. Just loves to be close by,” explains Rylee.

Gabby + Hudson

hudson dogs working from home

“Hudson can’t help but smile in the middle of a pandemic because that means mom and dad are home all day,” says Gabby.

Erin + Charlie

charlie pets working from home

“Charlie wanted to know where all the voices were coming from on the Zoom meeting,” says Erin.

Read More: Local Senior Dogs Living Their Best Lives in Hoboken + JC

Arielle + Cosmo

cosmo pets workinig from home

“Cosmo helping with lesson planning 😂,” says Arielle.

Jen, Pierre, + Finn

pierre working from homes

^ Pierre!

finn dogs working from home

^ Finn!

“Pierre feeling unenthused about Mailchimp email platforms, and most things in general, besides snack breaks,” says HG founder Jen.

Have a pet that’s keeping you company while you work from home?

Email us at [email protected] to have your pet featured next week!

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Did you know: We started a podcast about all things news and lifestyle in Hoboken + Jersey City.

Listen to the latest episode of Tea on the Hudson here and subscribe.

We release new episodes every Tuesday!

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