Home LifestyleReal Estate You Can’t See The Manhattan Skyline From Manhattan {Little Luxuries and a View, Too!}

You Can’t See The Manhattan Skyline From Manhattan {Little Luxuries and a View, Too!}

by Genna
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As the saying goes, you can’t see the New York skyline from New York City, and as Hoboken inhabitants we tend to forget to take the time to appreciate our little city – and the amazing view that welcomes us home at the end of our long days.

We all have {those} friends that think New Jersey is a million miles away from civilization, but have they ever been to Hoboken? Hey, we get it, you live in New York City – and that just sounds pretty cool {with a high pricetag}, but we have a great city of our own and we can brag about it too!

Here’s our list of Hoboken little luxuries that will have everyone {in NYC} wishing they were Hoboken residents:


Flat-Rate Taxis.

You have $5? You can get ANYWHERE in Hoboken. Lucky us, we don’t have to weigh the pros and cons of taking a taxi, because no matter where we go it’s only $5! How glorious is that? Plus, we have UBER {which is flat rate also}.

Hoboken Taxi Stand

Hello Hydration Sidebar
JK Therapy

We have BYOB too!

We’d like to think of Hoboken as the original BYOB birthplace, but really, who cares? All I do know is that Charritos makes a delicious margarita which fundamentally tastes better knowing that I’m allowed to bring that leftover booze {if any} from last weekends outings. There are so many great BYO places including {but not limited to}: Anthony David’s, Margheritas, Robongi, Johnny Pepperoni’s, and tons more.


Zap Fitness

Full-Sized Grocery Stores.

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have to schlep all of your groceries up seven flights of stairs or down into a steamy subway in NYC? Me neither. I take for granted my {less than 1 block} walk to Shop Rite where I can buy cases upon cases of water {just because I can} – and wait, can’t we call a flat-rate taxi if we need a quick pick-up? Why yes. Yes we can.


Hoboken Grocery Store Aisle

And, if you’re a proponent of Ma & Pa stores that are locally run {which we love}, then…Sobsey’s is your place.


Residential Amenities: Parking, Pools, and Playgrounds {with a view}, oh my!

waterfront hoboken girl nyc hoboken

If you choose, you can live in a glamorous all-inclusive apartment building with amenities galore! Including barbeque areas, rooftop pools, and work out facilities that you don’t even need to step outside to get to. You know that you’re living the good life when you can swim on the rooftop of your apartment building with the Empire State building as your backdrop – how’s that for city-living?


One Road, Infinite {Errand} Possibilities.

Ever need a banana, a toothbrush, a drink, a manicure, and a new outfit all at the same time? On Washington Street you can find everything you could ever need {even for those last minute surprises}! From breakfast sandwiches to leather skirts – you can walk 10 minutes to accomplish all of your daily errands {or errands that you are sent on}: no subways, no taxis? No problem.

Hoboken Washington Street

Airport Functionality.

Hey La Guardia and JFK, we see you trying to be fancy and all, but Newark {EWR} has all of the same flight destinations and doesn’t cost us a pretty penny for the journey from our side of town. We’ll keep our {functional} Jersey travel hub close and be out of your way – with hours of traffic to spare.


Small, Friendly & Warm.

Maybe not temperature-wise at all times, but Hoboken has that joyful energetic warmth that big cities sometimes lack. After the tragic aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Hoboken residents united to rebuild our home. I am proud to be a member of this little {but strong} resilient community and I wouldn’t give that up to live anywhere else.

So the next time you’re out and about running through your “honey do” list on Washington Street, take a breather to embrace Hoboken for all it’s worth.

It may not be New York City but who said that {anywhere else} is better than this?

Share with us your favorite thing about living in Hoboken!


Hoboken Pier A Park View Empire State Building



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